Sydney was our final port of call (again) before we headed for Kiwi land. I arrived the day before Dave and filled my time with sorting out my bag, internet updating etc plus meeting the very eager French guy (which became irritating fast!) in our room which turned out he was due at the airport the same time as us so asked if he should share a taxi - would work out better for us but over friendly people freak me out so I said id see what happened when Dave arrived!?
The following day Dave arrived in Sydney from Cairns, I asked what he'd been up to and apart from the 4 roasts and a bike ride, oh and lazing round the pool he said not much - also he had been left to his own devices for about a week and only managed to take one photo which was blurry anyway - boys! Anyways as soon as he put his bag down he was hungry so he managed to find a chicken shop (not quite Nando's tho) - after getting a few things sorted e.g. taxi! Dave agreed to come to the cinema with me! (twice for us since we left the UK over 4 months ago so not to much to ask me thinks!) on way into the screen Dave who doesn't like to walk decided to take a run towards and up the stairs on route into the screen but misplaced his flip flop and took a face plant into these two very shocked chinks - once Dave had scrapped his face off their big toes he then continued to run into the screen without looking back to see me giggle! (hehe) we then had an early night (once I finished chuckling to myself!) - needless to say as soon as the very eager french guy met Dave he asked about the taxi which of course Dave agreed too - well it was saving us some dollar.
The next day after a few more things we had to get done Dave talked me into going for another walk around the botanical gardens before lunch in Hyde park - only a light lunch as we had promised ourselves last time we was in Sydney we would go for an expensive seafood platter at Darling Harbour but due to weather didn't get around to it. We went to Jordan's which we had been recommended and ordered their platter for two to share which inc lobster, mussels, barramundi, octopus, oysters, calamari, prawns and escallops - it did cost us a pretty dollar but at least we was stuffed - and managed to keep the oysters down! (I was slightly worried Dave may have to purchase a mcd's burger on the way home too!) on way back to the hostel we realised they had shut the roads off for the parade that evening - chinese New Year or something and we had to walk through chinatown to get back. At first we took a look and saw a few dragons then decided to stop and get some baskin robbins ice cream mmmmmmmmm but after the ice cream we couldn't manage to get back to our hostel as all the roads had been closed off so we couldn't cross the road - after both of us getting a little stressed and eventually doing a bit of chink shoving we managed to get back to our hostel about an hour later! As soon as we got in the room the eager frenchman once again confirmed plans for the morning - our flight was at 6.15 so we had to leave around 3am!!
So bright and early, me, Dave and the eager French man made our way to the airport - we said our goodbyes, boarding our plane and have now arrived in (surprisingly) sunny New Zealand, have had to unpack my flip flops again! (How is the snow at home btw?? ;-) We are now in Auckland and have our kiwi bus booked for the 25th which we will be doing with Rich and Liz - looking forward to seeing them and excited about NZ.
Will update again soon xxxxxxxxxxxx
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