Tuesday 21th April
Chilled out most of the day as was feeling very hungover from the night before and it was rainy and windy, the weather was like bloody england!!
Wednesday 22nd April
The rain continued for yet another day, it was literally like england! It got us all a bit depressed really but a bit of body surfing and touch on the beach in the rain made us feel slightly better about ourselves. After playing around on the beach in the rain all afternoon, we hit what travellers call the goon (cheap boxed wine) and got ready for our night out. We were picked up by the cheecky monkey shuttle bus which saved us a walk in the rain and had yet another epic night at cheeky monkeys. Everyone made it out this time so it turned into a standard messy evening ending up in us being thrown out of the campsite in the morning after the manager had a bit of a rant to us about noise levels at 4 in the morning.
Thursday 23rd April
After the previous nights antics we were all feeling a little worse for wear and campsite less so we headed round to another campsite and chilled for the day.
Friday 24th April
After a really nice day on the beach and watching the sun go down from australia most eastern pointwe had our first casulty with one of the vans. Charlie drove off with his power cable still plugged into the mains, this ripped down the whole power tower and part of the water mains so there was a massive jet of water firing up into the air. I found it hilarious, but the manager didnt and we got kicked out of the campsite the next morning, maybe we were a bit loud as well but who knows. Anyways we got kicked out of two campsites in three days, not going to well really. But as it was our last night in byron we headed out for another cheeky monkeys session, which ended up in a long walk home and an arguement with some stupid aussie chick (which was pretty funny really).
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