Went to the races which was good fun, didn't win ANYTHING though, the others did, Kirsty even managed to win $63, but when she'd spent $60 to do it wasn't such a great achievement!!!!
Weather still isn't great, few hot days but mostly just slightly warm, rains a lot more than I expected too, thought it was meant to be coming into summer!!
Mostly working every day trying to save up some money, but it just goes so quickly on rent, food, transport to work, occasional box of goon - hardly making a profit. Met some nice people but some real idiots too. Really good experience working with people from different countries though, mostly French and German but a few Americans, Canadians, Finnish, Spanish etc and living with a few Koreans is really interesting too, learning things I would never have known at home.
Went out for a Korean meal too to say bye to a flatmate, was so good. They go to a restaurant, but cook their own food. Sounded weird at first but it was a good time to talk and stuff. You order a plate of raw meat off the menu then they bring some freebies over like kimchi soup, vegetables, onions, salad, spicy pancakes, dips and things that you mix with the meat. So there's a little stove on every table of four and they bring over burning hot coals to put inside the table and just rest a grill mesh on top then we cook the meat and cut it into little bits with scissors! Was really nice though and fairly cheap too. Then afterwards we went to go to a Korean bar. Was excited after the meal was so good and filling, only to find out that they then eat AGAIN at the bar as they have to eat whilst they drink so they don't get too drunk. So we had to order yet more food there and a drink called soju, which comes in a little bottle and is quite like vodka but not as strong and they just shot it all night with the food. They were all drunk after two though, so funny.
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