Yesterday, after the internet cafe Yael, Delia and I went for a coffee (or for me a tea) at Blue Paradise which is a near by cafe, it was really nice. My tea tasted like english tea and definitely quenched my thirst! It was so nice to have a proper cup of tea. We took a quick trip to the market, I bought mango and cashew nuts and the girls bought parachichi. It is so nice to have such nice dadas, and even though there is sometimes a language barrier, we are able to work around it and hold conversations. Their english is very good, I could definitely not hold a conversation like they can in a foreign language.
Delia and Yael were on evening shift and so it was just Mathilde and I for dinner. Kabalo cooked and it was chips mayai which is basically a chip omelette, it was so nice! I ate it so fast, definitely the best meal yet. After dinner we ate the mango followed by the cashew nuts, I felt like I ate like a queen last night, and for the first time all week, I felt full.
Today is my day off from the orphanage which felt quite strange as I would not be seeing the children and they always brighten my day with their smiles, laughter and warm welcoming. Breakfast for me was chips, bloody chips, would you believe it. I could not eat them, they were so greasy and salty, so I ended up having a bar again and some parachichi.
After breakfast I started with my washing; I took the water from the tap which was very brown and dirty, it was the colour of hot chocolate. I could not believe that I was about to wash my clothes in this. I only had a bar of soap and a brush. Washing is not my expertise, I rarely bung my clothes in the washing machine at home, let alone hand wash; however, I got on with it and it wasn't too bad. When hanging my clothes, I thought of my mum and realised that her "correct" way of hanging clothes on the line actually is advantageous in Karatu as there is not much sun here. I think my Mum would be proud of me today, I was very domesticated.
Yael, Delia, Mathilde and I all went out for lunch today as Yael and Delia saw a restaurant that sold pizzas and burgers, however, when we go there they did not have them. This was not a problem, as I was looking forward to having some nice food. I had chicken, cabbage, beans and rice and it was simply delicious! The best food that has touched my lips since Zanzibar last weekend. A huge well done and thank you to Lael and Delia for finding the restaurant!
The afternoon I wrote in my diary. I am writing two diaries; one travel journal which has limited space and another which is just a note pad. I updated the note pad as I hadn't wrote in it since last Friday, this took me all afternoon inbetween napping and relaxing.
Tea was not ready until 21:30 this evening, I was wasting away and going crazy with hunger. Queenie was crying from about 18:00 which was also driving me crazy as Mama Queenie does not know what to do, she just shouts "lalala" or "queenie" at her or says "pole pole", useless, Queenie is over one years of age, she cannot talk or crawl, she spends most of her time on Mama Queenie's back.
Tea was not nice. It was two bananas, two potatoes and a spoonful of veg, I do not like the bananas so I ate the potatoes and veg. After dinner we all congregated in the room for parachichi as we were all still so hungry. There is no consistency with food times here. Breakfast is when Mama Queenie decides to get up and cook, lunch is between 12:30 and 15:00 and tea between 18:30 and 21:30!
Queenie kept me up until 00:30 last night. I text my Mum to say that she was driving me crazy and Mum said that there was obviously something wrong with her and to give her some tender love, but she shares a room with Mama Queenie and Kabalo and they were just shouting at her. I am not a mother, but I know that shouting at a baby will get you no where.
- comments
Mother Bear Very proud of you darling hoping you will be just as domesticated when you get home hehehe Sorry to hear you ate so hungry all the time, you will be wasting away xx