Day 34 - The hunt for air-con..
Trincomarlee is HOT!! Hotter than any other place in Sri Lanka I think, had the worst night sleep, waking up every few hours absolutely drenched in sweat. , Rach and I got up twice during the night to soak a scarf in cold water then lay it over us try and get to sleep!not pleasant at all, I was up early due to this fact and we sat out having a cup of tea (with bizzare gloopy milk that looked like melted white chocolate.. We did not use it surprisingly!) waiting for the others. They had also not had a good nights sleep and had got up at 6 to sit by the sea to try and cool! We went over to the hotel next door and had breakfast overlooking the sea which was nice, but then we decided to hunt a better place to stay as we want to stay here quite a while, so we paid packed out big bags and set off down the beach In hunt for a better option preferably with air-con. Unfortunately the air-con was not an option within our budget but we have found a place with much bigger and cleaner rooms with a better fan so a little better!
After the search we all needed to cool off so got straight into the sea, which wasn't much cooler.. It is literally like a warm bath! Spent the afternoon sunning ourselves and reading, taking a break for a walk down the beach. We stumbled upon a really cool place called 'Fernando's' which is a quirky travellers spot with good food and drinks, and a spa and yoga which we will be trying! Back to our sunbeds for a much needed snooze in the shade!
Ended up back at Fernando's for dinner overlooking the sea at sunset, we treated ourselves to some cocktails and fresh fish dinner, the fish was marlin! Which was unusual, it was really nice, meaty fish, with rice and salad. Headed back for a hopefully not so sweaty night!
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