Hey everyone. Thanks for emails-they´re much appreciated! Keep ém coming!
Another weekend has- well - ended. Without us going anywhere special. BUT we will! One day when the sun comes out for real and we can bare to be outside in bush like landscape without freezing like crazy, we will. Have started making plans already. I want to revisit the outback. Or atleast a tiny fraction of it. Caroline is real keen on the idea. We also want to go and pat a koala or a kangaroo. That in an enclosed space, like a zoo. And-yes we are going swimming one day. It most definitely must get warmer first, that´s for sure. This weekend was mostly spent at home just relaxing in celebration of having handed in the very first assignment… Yes-we managed. Almost on time. Spent a good hour&half trying desperately to hand it in. They use this turn-ins system here that we´d never seen. And even though I consider myself a bit of a geek and not the least scared of computers-this system made me cry. Or afterwards that was. Thank God for hugs from room mates in exactly the same situation.
We did go out on Sunday, which happened to be a pretty happening night in Glenelg. Sadly missed was some live music, just a dude and a guitar would do. People out&about were nice, though. One of them might have jobs for us. At his nursing-care agency. Must be faith that we just happened to want to enjoy a cold coopers that night. I´ll give him a ring in the morning! (He even wanted to sell us his 80´s BMW convertible. 4000AUS$. AND we could sell it back to him when we left. But should we, though? And where would the money be coming from? hm. Could make a cool road trip car, I guess. :) I´ll call him tomorrow anyway and test out how drunk he was when he offered all of this...
Glenelg is great for long walks! We went last Sunday. Put on our best hiking shoes and joined the locals out by the beach. What we horrifyingly discovered, was a man out in the water. With his whole lower body submerged in the freezing cold waters. (Image is in the album...) What we also discovered during our little hike, was these benches. Someone put them there for the public to sit on and dream about what lies ahead. Which would be nothing for ages, then Antarcitca, sort of.
Last night we celebrated Carolines birthday at home. Cake and all! And she even got a flower from the Brunettes. (Check the album.) Nice! To top off a couple of great days-or just kill some time in the absence of a TV, we went to the movies. It´s dead cheap in this country anyway :) If you haven´t seen The Dark Knight, the go and see it. Or rent it for that matter. Heath Ledger was great in it! Just as mad as you would expect him to be. And it was his last role. Ouch
Ta da for now
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