oy all
Gelenelg is good for a nice pub experience! Most definitely. We went out last night to the nearest pub we could find. It´s cold walking around and since one cannot wear winter gear when going out here (the way the chicks dresses. ouch!) one walks the shortest distance possible. Which happens to be across the park. Caroline thought btw that we´d see snakes in the park. So we stomped our feet to keep her calm. I´m thinking the snakes wouldn´t be able to stand the cold. But who knows. Better be on the safe side, I guess. Anyway; we got to the pub and managed to have one drink before the locals started to shout us. (Which in Australia means by you a drink .) Had a good long discussion with one of these guys about the perceptions of males and females in Australia. Several issues we´d never had to even consider. hm. Like the way a male would be kicked out of a pub for slapping a female, but not the other way around. The girl we saw slapping her male friend was allowed to stay even though she started it. None of the guys we were talking to found this strange. hm.
Well-these 3 gentlemen, on their way to do secret business overseas, treated us real nice and took us to the casino in the city. Woke up today to the urge to have yet another one of those fantastic ice creams! I did wear a beanie. And gloves. But-the ice creams are to good! We EVEN went to McDonalds. Must be years since last I did that, but when in Rome...
Ta da for now-we´re gonna watch a movie or 2. And stuff ourselves with even more junk food since it´s saturday night :) yum!
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