Hi Han and Alice - hope you are totally chilled from your island hopping adventures in Fiji - sounds fab! Iain and I are off to a ball tonight at Glos rugby club - should be fun - gotta get rhys dressed now and ceri wants to go on cbeebies! Ceri says "boring"!! Rhys says "later"!! ho hum - have fun and good luck on your next journey - look forward to the next update! Love you loads gaggs & co xxxx
Carolyn Gleave
Hi Ali and Han
Pleased youre having a good time - sounds as if the boat trip was fun. Enjoy your last few days island hopping and speak to you sometime in NZ. Grandma and we.ve recieved your SF pcs thanks - lots of love to you both love Mum (the other mum!) xxxxxxx
Just read your blog and don't envy you at all!!!! It' really bracing here and you know how I don't like the sun Ha Ha. Might just check it out for ourselves one day tho' just to see!! LOL N & Bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Han so sorry to hear about the camera, suggest you try a camera shop in Auckland if you have a chance, they might take pity on you and replace it???? You never know your luck!!! Hope you are enjoying chilling in Fiji before your next long haul. Missing you loads. Love & hugs to you and AlicexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxN & B.
Mum (H)
Hi girls Fiji sounds fab - wish I could join you. Got your SF postcard today Han I bet that seems ages ago! Have fun and Take care of yourselves. Missing you loads. Mum (H) xxxxxxxx
Dave Walker
Hi Alice, How are things going? I hear and see you are in Fiji? That is a place I would love to go to. Tell Hannah I saw her Dad and went to see Aldershot play yesterday. He told me about Hannah's camera....what a bummer!!!
Just got back from Los Angeles for work and am off Sunday with Jenny to the Bahamas for a week!
I will follow your progress but bet you are having a wonderful time.
All the best ..............Dave
Hello u 2!! get your pics up pleasey!!
dont have 2 much funnnn! totally wanna be there with u! weathers shokingly poo here!
have funnnn and dnt get lost whateevr u do xxx love little sofa xxxx
I wanna be lying on that beach with you girls right now!!! sounds fab - v windy here. Rhys swam 3widths today - yay!! take care xx
Smelly X
Hey x Sounds like your having a great time x Im so jealous! Your off at some great beaches and im stuck at stupid school! Its not fair! Han im looking after your room and GHDs well :) havent broken them! You need to put some photos on here x i want to see what funny pictures youve taken of each other :P x Love youu lots x
glad to hear your both ok my lovelies! it all sounds fabulous!
take lots of photos and put on lots of suncream!
love you both loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Claire Bear
oooooooo u lucky things,, i could seriously do with a beach right now it hasnt stopped raining in reading all week! hoope the weathers good for u there,,sounds like heaven sleeping in huts right on the beach!! ge some photos up!!! its gonna be v quiet when i go back home on friday,, just me and jo! missing and loving you guys love claire bear xxxxxxx
Who are all these people?? I didnt realise you knew so many people Alice............they must be Hannah's mates!!!
Hope you are having a great time, I guess you both in LA now.......hope you havent got lost or been seperated from one another at the airport (Home Alone) have a great couple of days and put those yanks in their place.