Hi Han and alice - got your postcardyesterday han and looks and sounds absolutely fab - espesh the haircut for £2.50 (ceri was a bit concerned about the eating dog bit tho!!) Can't wait to see you and will be down the weekend after your return. We've all missed you loads and just to warn you, don't expect to come back here for some sunshine!! Enjoy your last few days and bet you're looking forward to a home cooked roast !!!! (not dog!) Love ya xxxx
Hi Girls have just been looking at photos of Singapore & Nam. Wonderful! Wanna go there especially as it so cheap! Can't believe you have done all these things -watched the vid of the bungy too Han but think we'll give that a miss. It is all so amazing but missing you loads and can't wait to see you and hear all about it in person! Loads of love to you both and thanks for the email Han, will answer sometime this week! Enjoy! Nanna & Baggyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi han and alice. Just read your latest update from singapore and still v envious. Hope you are surviving the motorbikes etc in Vietnam!! We have our house on the market and iain is changing jobs plus getting new TV - our lives are sooo exciting here!!! Just had fab wet and windy weekend in caravan with our friends up here which was great fun! Though we thought we lost £130 worth of ds games which ceri then confesssed to having in her bag (told us a week later tho!!) take care of each other and keep having that fun fun FUN!!! Love Ya! Gaggs, Iain, Rhys and Ceri xxx
Where is the latest update............??
Just looked at photos girls. AMAZING! Thanks for keeping us posted and Baggy was so thrilled to get your Happy Birthday Text on Saturday Han. Made his day will write more in email. Will be thinkin of you on the next leg of your journey which could be a bit different but feel sure it will be a wonderful experience for you both. Can't wait to see you again missing you loads.LOL N & Bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi Han and allice - I have just been looking thru your photos Hannah and I have to say the two of you have THE most fab tans and look fantastic! Take care and enjoy your next adventures! xxxx
Mum (H)
Hi girls
Hope you enjoy your last couple of days in Oz. Scuba diving sounded good though not sure about it myself! Speak soon
Luv u loads mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
GUYS! my housemate Kate did exactly what your doing now with the pink 4x4 in fraser island trip and said it was awesome, so hope your having an amazing time! (She also said she didn't poo for 3 days and that there were dingos, but take no notice of this, im sure it will all be fine)! love you loads xxxxxxxxxx
Mum (H)
Hi girls, lovely to speak to you at the weekend Han - sorry it was a bit of a long chat Alice! Hope you have a fab trip to Fraser Island - digging toilets! Just got your post card from Abel Tasmin - you have seen and done so much since then. I bet all that rain seems ages ago! Luv u loads. Mum xxxxxxxxxxxx
ah gaggs you should come join us on the beach! i got rhys a boomerang the other day its super cool! give them big hugs from me, i put a post card in the post today so you should get it soon! and jo i would love to bring you a fit surfer back, but although my bag is big... i dont think it would work! ill do my best to send you a photo of one tho! love you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hey guys, forgot to say the other day could you bring me back a fit surfer from surfers paridise?thanks, love you lots xxxxxxxx
Hi girls, well it is p****ing it down here and has been for about 5 hours! lying on a beach in surfers paradise and surfing in byron bay sounds much better!! Rhys and ceri are both well and keep asking when they will see you!! dn't forget the boomerang! All wet and well here - will havve a good nose at photos on facebook this weekend. Take care both of you and have fun fun fun!!!! Love u xxxx