Happy easter Han and alice! We just got back from nan and bags last night. Had a good weekend tho v cold with snow and sleet and wind - your weather sounds much better! Went over to chid too and saw mum and dad and bam and ellie - hannah. We are all missing you but also v envious of your fab adventure! Happy driving and enjoy that puzzle bed! gaggsxxx
happy Easter gorgeous girlies!
hope your both ok, and campervanned up? it snowed today here! i think your in the better place :)
love you both much xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi...Lovely to speak to you again and pleased you had such a great time in Tauranga. Hope you have a good time in the campervan and no getting lost or running out of petrol!!!! Love to you both xxxxxxx
Wow all looks and sounds fantastic. Can't believe you have done so much in such a short time. Enjoy your time in NZ and make the most of the home comforts at B & A's and give them our love. Look forward to next instalment! Love you and miss you N & Bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi U2 globetrotters! Fiji sounded just amazing - you're right Han, Alice did miss out a"few" of the good bits!!!!! WOW! can't believe how much you have done in just over 2 weeks. Have fun in NZ - say hi to bren and anna. The photos are already looking fab - look forward to seeing more. Take care gaggs xx thanx for the soap update from ellie too!!!
Han And Alice
hi everyone! attempted to upload some photos but it takes FOREVER and they have come out all muddled!!! ignore these for now and will rty again tomorrow! lots of love x
cant wait for the photos guys, blog sounded amazing!!!!
its very quiet here in Chidd with out you two.....
love you loads xxxxxxxx
Claire Bear
omg could u make us any more jealous ! seriously keep it up guys and ull come back and find us all permantly pea coloured with envy!! so good to here wot ure up to sounds amazing so keep it up!!! gpt a long way to go yet!!!!xxxxxxxxx
Smelly X
Hey Han.. Heres the Soaps update...WellHollyoaks Jake tried to kill himself and Charlie...But Nancy stopped him....Now hes been arrested....Justin slept with Nancy..and Katy slept with Zak!!!! Eastenders....Lucy has run away..Gail....In todays episode she is now concious....And all will be revieled....About David...pushing her.....urmm....And David now knows about the abortion...Thats about it reli x Love you lots x Trip sounds amazing x
Hi. Great to hear from you this morning - you sounded so happy and having such fun which is wonderful. You seem to have done so much alreadyand really doing some exciting things. We will all be able imagine you two driving around NZ - just dont let Han do the map reading as i think we'll never see you again!!! Only joking Han (i think!). Another great experience. Enjoy the normality of staying with friends at Tauranga. Just to say that i think Hans details of Fiji were a bit more detailed than yours Ali and much appreciated! Can't wait to see the photo's. Ali - meant to ask you how the hairs been!!!??? Miss you loads - very quiet here although Sophies home now for a couple of weeks which is great. Love you xxxxxx
Hi girls. Hope you are feeling better today Han - campervan sounds v adventurous - have fun and drive carefully. Love you loads xx
we will be putting pics up asap! just need to find a comp with a usb connection which is cheap as there are lots to upload! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx thanks for all your messages xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx