Hi girls, Hannah that Bungy Jump looks really scary even on screen! and we have been there so know how high it was, actually Baggy wanted to try it? but says the Q was too long!!!! Anyway I think you are amazing even if a little mad? The sky dive also looked fantastic, you two are certainly doing it all aren't you. Great. Can't wait to see the photos & videos. Anyway next you are off to see the Wizard Ha Ha so have fun and take care.M Y and Love you loadsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx N & B
Sophies gone now so can't see updated photos on facebook until Tom gets back from ski ing later, but enjoyed the photos so far - really amazing sights. Pleased to see the updates to the blogg, keep it up. Enjoy your last few days in NZ and then i'm sure you'll have a wonderful time in Aussie. Have fun at Jan and Davids and take care both of you.Pleased to hear theres been no major mishaps (that we,ve heard of) eg getting lost etc?
Have a great birthday Han - not too much celebrating or you may miss your flight!!??.
Lots of love Mum (A)
Hi girls just looked at the updated photos on facebook looks more amazing everyday. Can't believe how much you have seen and done and you haven't even been gone for 5 weeks yet. finding more grey hairs and wrinkles every time you update me though Hannah -Enjoy! Luv u and miss u loads
Mum (H) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello both of you.
Alice, microwaves and speed bumps. And Hannah, roundabouts and cameras! The word 'liability' springs to mind. Sounds like youre having fun though in Juicy Jimmy!! :)
Not long until you guys head over the water to Australia - you must be excited.
Anyway continue having fun, and speak to you soon.
Hi You two - you sound like you are having soo much fun - I feel that I might not have to take my gap year now - as I am living it through you both.
Take care - all my love
Love Ange
hello my lovlies! i have just checked out all the pics on faceboook, and am speechless! the amount of stuff your doing is amazing and it all looks so beautiful. Most importantly, you both look so happy and gorgeously tanned and so you should be because you deserve every crazy filled minute of this experience! love you both xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi girlz, Cousin Wendy from Canada! Sounds like you are having a blast, what a great opportunity for both of you. Make sure you keep a journal or something so when Carly is ready you can share all your experiences. Take care of each other and travel safe! xoxo :-)
Hi Hannah its Laurin and Catherine here!!! hope all is well out there and you are having a great time!!! im soo jealous ..at home doing essays!! take care lots of love xxxx
Smelly X
Hey Han and Alice.. I had miss Bean today in a lesson and she said that her daughter was coming out to Australia with her friend in a couple of weeks..And she said that you were meeting up with them....Sounds good ...Love you x
Hi U2 wild chicks! You are doing so much I can't believe it - r u sure you don't want me to send you dollars for your birthday hannah???? You are living my dreams for me and it's fab! Saw the photos from bren and anna with you girls in the campa - nanna's not sure about the logo on the side!!! All looks fab - the sun is shining here today with no snow, hail or rain (so far!) so maybe weather is picking up here! Take care and carry on adventuring!! Love you and miss you xxxx
Smelly X
Okayy....Heres another soap update x Eastenders ..Lucy is still missing...Tanya and Sean burried Max alive...But after they had done it Tanya then went and got him out...Corrie...Chesney was taken into care..But now Fiz has got him back....David told Tina that it was him that pushed Gail down the stairs...And she lied to the police for him saying that he was with her when it happened....And thats about it x Hope your having a good time x Love you x
Mum (H)
OMG you two what else are you going to do black water rafting through caves, jumping off waterfalls backwards, swimming with wild animals and now a skydive. Next time tell me after you have done it! Keep having fun both of you and we still miss you xxxxxxxxx