It was such a lovely suprise to be woken up on my Birthday by your phonecall Hannah and was a great start to a lovely day.I do hope the bus turned up eventually - what a rotten start to your Oz Experience but hope all is well now. Look forward to the next instalment and thankyou so much for the call and for keeping in touch. Love you and miss you loads N & Bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mum (A)
Hi. Hope the weathers getting better now you're on your way up the coast and looking forward to doing your surfing and 4 wheel drive etc . Looks as if you've still having lots of adventures incl. coaches breaking down!! Hope you didn't pig yourselves on too many McDonalds while you waited. Thanks for phone call, and grandma was really chuffed Ali hearing from you on her b/d. Lots of love xxxxxxxx
Wonderful pictures girls and all sounds amazing. Will have to do the red centre next time round!!Thanks for Postcards Han & emails. Look forward to next instalment. Love and hugs N & B. Missing youxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Claire Bear
wow surfing in sydney!! look out for nemo and dori!!! and bruce,,, (the shark)!!! xxx
Mum (A)
Great to see that you're where you're supposed to be now - in Aussie!!!! Love reading all the details of your adventures and enjoyed the great photos on facebook.Carry on having fun, lovely to speak to you yesterday. Lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
haha thanks for that mum! yes we will try and keep updated now, we just added 2 more so will attenpt to keep it up, sorry everyone! love you xxxx
Mum (H)
Hi girls lovely to speak to you earlier Han and you as well Alice. Just thought I would let everyone know why you are not keeping the blog as up to date as you maybe could - the girls say it is very slow to do their end so they apologise and will try harder! wont you H&A. They are now in Sydney and still having a fantastic time. Luv u miss u xxxxxxxxx
Hi girls, we are just back from our week away in devon which was ab fab, tho we missed you loads Han! Nanbag are keen to do again next year so you can come too!!!! Had great weather and a really chilled out week, apart from having to go swimming twice a day with rhys and ceri!!! Anyway, have been getting your updates from your mum and dad and sounds like you are having gr8 time in oz too!! Miss you looooooads xxxx
keep the blogs coming guys, i need to move my little hannah and alice pin on my world map. love you much xxxxxx
The Baverstocks
Happy Birthday Hannah (sorry its late) hope you had a fab day - although by the sounds of things every day is fab !! Pressie waiting on your return. Have fun and take care. Love All of the Baverstocks....
Happy Birthday Hannah and have a great day in N.Z.and safe journey to OZ tomorrow. Hope you got our text will send you a snowy picture next time I write.Loads of love N & B. A.Trish & U. Den send you Happy Birthday wishes too with lots of love. Love to Alice toooooooooooooxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR HANNAAAAAAAHHH HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! Enjoy your special day Han - in NZ and then OZ (does this mean you get 2 birthdays?!). Love the updated photos - I found 2 grey hairs when I saw the bungee e-card!!!! and I'm not even your mum!!! Rhys loves the photo of the burger - thought it v funny!!! We been sledging today - bizarre weather!! Have fun and enjoy your day - love you and miss you loads xxxx