we've updated the blog at long last!! its been so manic here we've barely had the time! ive put a few pics on there too!! thanks for all the messages! everyone souunds really well at home and its always great to here what everyone has been upto! it gives us something to chat about when we're cutting lettuce!! lol we we try and update the blog again soon, but dont worry it wont be as long as this one!! lol
Love and miss you all
Lauren and Greg x x x x
Mum & Pops
Hello, Hello,
How are you both ?
Weather here today is lovely. Very hot and sunny. Hoping it stays like this for Ann and Alan's visit next week. We're having a B.B.Q on Saturday so keep your fingers crossed for good weather. Mitchell got off to Ayia Napa okay and Daniel is minus a pair of shorts - No big surprises there !!
I have started on my four day week now which is great. The break in the middle of the week is lovely and makes the time fly by. Because of the Bank holiday I've only worked 3 days this week and it's the same next week because I'm taking holidays to spend time with Ann.
Had a brill day with Grace on Wednesday. We had to stay in during the morning as the guys were coming to fit the new carpet in the hall but in the afternoon Pops, Grace and I went into town to get a bit of shopping and then went to The Oysterfleet and had a drink in the garden. I tell you no lies that little girl did not stop chatting to herself and everyone she met on the way. For three hours she kept chattering - it was so funny. The only time she was quiet was when I fed her Ha! Ha ! She looked so cute. She had on a pink top and shorts, pink shoes and yes you've guessed it a pink bow in her hair.
The house decorating is in full force and is almost finished - Thank God !!!!! We are doing Mitchell's room at the moment and hopefully it will all be done by Monday. I've got Nan out on a mission today in Basildon to find me black / white curtains. I've only had one phone call up till now so things are not looking good.
Pops and I had a great night at John and Sally's. Looking forward to seeing them again next weekend over at our's.
Pops is good. One of his customers called him and asked him to send his CV off to them. Will find out more later but he's lead to believe that it's a Facilities Manager job in London. We've both been busy in the garden, which is looking lovely now that we have the pots full of flowers. Pops is on a veggie fix at the moment and has planted lettuce, 2 types of tomatoes, strawberries, carrots, mint and rosemary and I've got to say they are all doing well. You would be impressed lol
Supergran and Grandad Pal are both fine. Spoke to them a couple of days ago. They are always asking for you both and love catching up with all your news. Scott and Nicola will be up there next week which I know they are looking forward to. They are taking the Focus this time. Hope the weather's good for them this time around, especially as they are going up to Glen's first and the scenery is beautiful up there.
The Astra !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've had it for two weeks now and only driven it once. I keep pinching the Carina. It's ok but ............................lol
I did well when I went out on appointments. Took in over £6k of retained business.
Everyone else is good. Daniel, Toni, Jordan and Leanne are all fine.
Well I'd better get going. As always it's great talking to you. Will speak again soon. Sending lots of love to you both. x x x x x x
Afternoon to the both of you and all your traveling crew!!
Hope you both all good and keeping well. Whats happening in the life of Greggers and Laurens at the mo in the world of Auzzzzzzz land.
Kepp safe x
Jordo / Leanneo And Little Angel Grace
Well well well well....what's up Peeps,
Once again, there is no disappointment with the photo's....there brill!!! I love the surfing in pics, thing they are fantastic.
Really glad everything is going ok for ya's. I spoke to Mum and so glad to hear you both found work and got everything sorted in the end.....was thinking for a sec I was gonna have to send ya a Mill or two Ha Ha..I wish!!!! The farm work sounds really good. (good monies), nice one lol.
So you gonna sticj it out where you are now for 3 months huh...thats the longest you stayed in one area (correct me if I wrong). The work sound good though and where you are staying sound bliss. Only wish we were there to see it for ourselves to appreciate it.
So, on this side of the world - Me an Leanne are fine. you know how it is, all work and no play (as always), I done 60 hours overtime last month!!! lol. I was given a project to do at work and had to conduct a presentation to the department (Team Leaders / Management) the lot!!, it went really well. I loved it. I really close to getting my Senior Level at work so slowly but surely....I getting there. Leanne working hard also. Leanne will be starting her 2nd year at collage soon. She will be fully qualified. I have my exam this sat coming (29th) so keep ya fingers crossed for that. This week is going to be prime revision time. I will let ya know hoe I get on.
Quick Note - Hope you can get hold of all the British tunes at the moment coming out cos they are Banging so far this year. Mate, Usher, Tiny Temper, Dizzie, Black Eyed Peas, It all good in the hood baby, yeah!!...woop woop.
Grace, A little Angel as ever. Still not walking but really really close. She has her first pauir of walking shoes. they are helping but just not there yet. she had an appointment with her consultant who looked after her when she was in hospital the other day and they really happy with her. They said she is where she should be regards to progression and want to see her when she turns 2 and then they think they will no longer need to see her. My god...looking back at it all and what she went through.....what a little angel she is.....a fighter and survivor she is indeed.....she not take no rubbish (like the old man)!!! LOL.
Greg, I had to take Fudge to the vets this week. He has been eating a lot recently and not gaining any weight. He has lost a lot of weight actually and pretty skinny. Fudge has a over re-active thyroid. That is what is causing him to eat so much but not gain any weight. He has tablets and will be on them going forward from now. He will start to gain weight when the tablets start to take affect. Not worry though, it nothing I cant deal with. It all good. I discussed it all with the same vet that George used to see. He fine, healthy and should be back on track bout 2-3 months.
The weather over here at the mo is fantastic. I have a Canvey Tan believe or not!!! LOL. Oh yeah baby. Had a really nice weekend, Grace been out and about in her buggy and trying get her to walk whilst attached to some rains. Getting there. She don't like it though. If she cant hold on to you whilst she is walking, she will throw her bottom on the floor and then complain cos her bum hurts....bless her.
Thinking about the time you have been away already, I cant believe the amount of time you have left still to go. It seems so far away but no doubt will fly by.
Right, I am off to bed I think. I have work in the morning so best get some more beauty sleep!!!
You both, stay safe and keep well. Hope everything carry's on going your way, really do. Missing ya both loads and loads.
Hi to both of you
at last you have a proper job
hope you enjoy it
Dad called round and left your money with us
we will give it to Sally as soon as possible
we are missing you lots
love to you both
nan & grandad
John Perfect 1
Yo yo yo yo yo yo,
you coming home yet it ain't fair you get to have loads of fun lol,
How are you both? sorry didn't message earlier just got internet back seen some of your photos I would look at them all but id have to take a week of work just to look at them there is so many lol.
Just one thing them pictures are scary of greg with the UFC fighters you look like a stalker would would triple h think of you cheating on him.
Miss you guys loads
Loads of love
John and Hannah
P.s I have a math lesson aswell
Mum & Pops
So sorry we missed your call on Saturday morning. Hope you got the text message.
Have just read your latest message. Really hope you manage to get work soon. Don't get disheartened we're sure something will pop up.
I'm out on the road tomorrow ( Tuesday ) One of the Sales Managers has broken her foot so I'm doing her appointments. They are all local tomorrow so that's good. I may do some of her London ones but if I do I'll take the train.
Had a nice weekend. Did lots of work in the garden - getting all the pots ready for the plants. Bought some new solar lights aswell. Between us and Mark & Debbie the gardens look like a runway at night. lol
Nan and Grandad were over last night for drinks and nibbles ( Nans birthday ) which was nice.
Mitchells off on holiday in two weeks time and Ann and Alan will be here with us in three weeks.
Well I'd better get going as I'm at work. Good luck for tomorrow. Will be thinking about you.
Sending lots of love. Mum and Pops x x x x
Hi Mun, Its Gren & Err....lauren
Hi Ma,
The Astra's a great car, nice, compact with a solid drive and good fuel economy, im sure you will grow to like it. It wont replace Peanut though!
Still hunting around for jobs, im sure the London Bus Theory will occur soon (None for ages, then they all come at once!)
Its great to hear Grandads news, about time someone come through! Cant wait untill they are able to visit everyone again. Thinking about them lots. Give them our love next time you speak to them.
Why do you think we make so much noice when we have UFC nights......because we know deep down you love it!
Will call you and the big guy soon. Keep well.
Lots of love,
Greg & Lauren .
Just to let you know I've had to give in and buy an Astra !!!!!!!!!!!!! Never thought I'd buy a Vauxhall.............Nothing around in my price range ( Japanese ) and I had to get a car so this is it. I'll reserve judgement and let you know how I get on with it. Umm ....................................
How's the accomodation and job hunting going, have you had any luck with either ?
Nans birthday this Saturday so her and Grandad are off to Rob and Sandie's for dinner then they are coming over to us on Sunday night.
Grandad Pal has loads of hospital appointments to attend. The letters are rolling in for him which he's really pleased about because it shows that his heart operations have worked and he can move on with getting all the other bits fixed up. It would be lovely if they could visit this year but I really don't think they will be able to. Really hope they can be here for next April when Grandad turns 80. Every time I call them they always want to know if we have spoken on Skype and how you both are. Goes without saying they send their love.
Daniel's right, the Junior Apprentice starts tonight. I've seen trailers for it and it looks quite good so will have a look and let you know.
Mark and Debbie and Pops and I have just paid for all the trees in Jane's garden to be taken down. Thay all came down yesterday. They were getting so big and thick and the amount of sunlight in the garden was deteriorating every summer so we asked her if she would agree to them coming down and she said yes so now it's really lovely and clear out there. We will have the sun all day and in the evening now. Lovely. Lets hope we get a decent summer.
Scott and Ncola are going back to Scotland next month. They are driving up there this time and are going to Glen's hotel for their first night and then are heading across to Aberdeen afterwards. I think they are staying for a week. Spoke to Glen the other day and he was asking for you both.
Don't have Grace this morning as Leanne, Grace, Bradley, Emma and Andy Sherry are at a caravan in Dorset for 4 days. Jordan was supposed to go but IFDS could not give him the time off so Bradley has taken his place. Jordan's round every night for his dinner this week - poor thing's really missing them both.
Pops is fine - his head has gone back to it's normal size after the compliment he got from the nutty woman in Sainsburys. Bless ! He has spoken to the Directors at Albany again about a few new ideas he has for himself so they've taken on board what he's had to say and we're waiting to hear.
Daniel's right - Mitchell doesn't play UFC now. The last time I had to tell you all off for the noise you were making was before you left. Funny really - think I miss nagging you all to keep quiet. Ha Ha Ha.
Well that's about all the goss for just now. Hope you are both well and that we can catch up on Skype very soon.
Lots of love as always Mum x x x x x
Gregson & Laureness
Hows it going! Everything here is sweet at the mo, though not alot has occurred our side either.
Were waiting and hoping to get a little work somewhere to help fund towards our travels for abit. Were in a lovely town though, we'll take some photo's and put them on to show everyone.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TONI!! Remember, everything happens in three's........I wander what the next Tandoori will bring lol! Happy Birthday Jaimezz also!
London Dungeons sounds nice Dan, its good to do family trips out a! 'Treat the Kids'
Were watching Australia's Got Talent, its was the first semi-final yesterday, has the same as Britains one i.e. Acts that should never been put through blah blah blah!
Ill be looking out for the Apprentice but aint heard anything of it yet. Dont really get to see much telly, if at all sometimes. (Thats right Nan............NO TELLY!!).
UFC 2010 Demo sounds awesome, the whole push your opponent to the cage thing and grabbing the punches and kicks is the nuts of an idea!
LOLLOL Im really pleased to hear that little Mitch and Grace are progressing! Saw Grace on Skype not too long ago, she looked very pretty, just like her old-man!
Escort sounds like a treat! Tell me son.................how many bumpers you collided with now lol? The exhaust and the tyre change just adds character, so dont be too hard on the beast!
Dont worry, as soon as we make our debut back, ill be straight in there with the UFC nights again! Mitchson, they are precious times that wont be around forever, so pick up that control pad!
I hope everyone is doing well, we miss you all lots! Speak soon.
Love to all. Greg and Lauren x
Dan 'rocky' Harrison
Gregory & Laurence-de-la-wah,
How's things? Hope everything is still going great!!!
Soz i haven't messaged ya's for a while, sometmes not alot has happened s thees not much to right apart from HELLO! :=)
I've just had a few day's of work as it was Toni's birthday saturday just gone and it's Jamie's birthday today so it's been busy with meals out, and days out etc.
Toni's dad is down from Kenya as well so it's been really cool. For Toni's birthday we all went to the Tandori Parlour. It was a good night with the usual buffet and disco afterwards. The DJ is random though as one minute he's playing some hit from the 70's then he bangs out Taio Cruz lol.
Poor Toni hurt herself again :=( This time it wasn't her falling on the dance floor except it was Jamie thinking it would be a god idea to pick her up on the dance floor and launch her through the ceiling...not good! Poor Toni hit her head but she was okay and carried on dancing the night away :=)
For Jamie's birthday we went to the London Dungeons, that was cool. It took ages to walk round the place and everyones feet was buzzing. It wasn't scary at all which was disapointing as i thought it was gonna be proper jumpy lol...maybe i'm just too much of a chap haha :=)
We have our saturday nights back lol as Britains Got Talent is back on now :=) LOVE IT!!! There's some cracking acts on so far. the usual though, dancers, SINGERS of course, gymnasts, martial arts blah blah blah.
Also...this will annoy ya's :=) THE APPRENTICE starts tomorrow...woo hoo, get in!!! lol. Don't worry though, it's not the real Apprentice. It's 'Junior' Apprentice like kids thats just left school. The real Apprentice doesn't start till about August apparently. Shame ah. Also to come is XFactor and Big Brother lol...which is the last BB ever finally haha. How much tele do u 2 get too watch? Do u get to see any of the same shows here?
Gregson! I told ya already about UFC 2010 Demo but thought i'd rub it in even more...I'M PLAYING IT!!!! hahahaha. It's really good. It's very similar to UFC Undisputed alot but they've added stuff like: u can push your opponent on to the cage and do some dirty boxing, instead of just catching a punch or kick u have to grab a punch or kick and then press another button to do a reversal like throw a overhand punch or sweep them on the floor. Theres loads of stuff i could tell ya about but it would take up 2 pages.
Both Mitchell and Grace are progressing well. Grace is starting to walk and we get a few words out of Mitch now..he say's things like: yeah, nah and i dunna lol. I take Mitch to work every Wednesday morning, pick him up from Wickford every Tuesday N Thursday and take him gym 3 times a week and at the end of the week i could count the words we exchanged lol.
Works going well still. It's cool because wer now recruiting for another Recruitment Consultant so atleast then i won't be the new kid lol. It's horrible being the new kid isn't it. Hopefully i won't be the only guy inte office soon.
Escort has let me down recently :=( Was on my way back from work last week and my exhaust decided to come loose and drag on the road...not cool! I ended up underneath my car near the A130 in a suit taking my exhaust of and throwing it on the pasenger seat lol. A little bit before that i was on the way back from the gym and i happen to get a flat tyre lol so there i was changing my wheel to the spare...in the freezing cold in my tank top lol. And to top it all off, i was driving through Rayleigh Weir and ended up slightly in the back of a Ford Fiesta as i wasn't enough paying enough attention in-front of me, but to be fare, i swear the fiesta pulled in-front of me without indicating. Any who...there was no damage to the fiesta at all and we both ended up going our own way soon after lol...lucky ah, except i wasn't so lucky and i cracked my beatiful bumper :=(
Well, im outa here now peeps. I need to go N sort out a shirt for work tomorrow and do some ironing, then it's off to bed to watch some Fast & Furious with some cereal :=)
Hopefully speak to ya's soon. Could do with a UFC night Gregwah, not played UFC with Mitch since ya left still son.
yeah he back 2 army now. gym is going well............ well could be better due to dan has not purchased the chicken yet so he is 2 blame!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i need to hit it hardcore duya want ore this month as im goin NAPA! on the 1st of june! so need to get my nissi beach body ready, expecially wen im standing next 2 mles haha!
work is cool, should have 1st deal finalised by end of month, good little price as well, ill have my Z4 in no time! rite this second i am in bed with a headache - shock haha booze is a killer!
u 2 keep enjoying yaselfs, greg u better find time to wath uf 113 2night! mahida vs shogun 2 badboy!! yeah so glad itsonly getting better for ya both, time for me to jump in shower so eace out hommiez.