Just wanted to let you know that the assistant in Sainsburys was not delusional - she had excellent taste and obviously fancied a bit of the Pops.
Love and miss you both. Pops x x x
Mum & Pops
As always, lovely seeing you both on Wednesday. We have become Skype groupies at home. Really glad you were able to see Grace. Pops was sorry to miss you but says he will catch up with you both soon. Nice short week this one thanks to the Bank holiday. Next one in three weeks time.
I've had my confirmation about cutting my hours at work and as from June 1st no more Wednesdays.
Auntie Ann was delighted with her birthday pressies from Daniel and Alan and they are looking forward to visiting us. We're busy sorting out a packed week for them. Daniel and Mitchell are thinking about taking Alan to see the bright lights of London one night. Should be an eye opener for him !!! We are taking Ann to London aswell but I can assure you our trip will be slightly more sedate than their's.
Pops and Leanne were in Sainaburys yesterday with Grace. Grace sits in the trolley seat now, watching the world go by and absolutely loves it. Well this assistant came over and said to Grace " Is your daddy going to buy you something nice " AAAAGH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL. Pops was delighted. God knows who she thought Leanne was LOL. It made " the old boy's " day and he couldn't wait to tell me when I got home. When Grandad reads this he will say that the woman was obviously delusional. LOL I'm saying nothing !!!!!! ha ha
Love the latest photo's. They are already winging their way up to Aberdeen along with your latest blog.
Hall all decorated now, just waiting for the new carpet so it's off to make a start on the small bedroom affectionately know by Mitchell as " the cupboard ". His room will be done when he's sunning himself in Aya Napa. Not a bad deal that. Go on holiday and come back to a newly decorated room.
Hope the job hunting is successful. Take care. Miss you. Love Mum and Pops. x x x x
Greg And Lauren
Gooday peops!!
mum and dad - its always good talking to you! its a shame the mic wernt workng last time! dad sorry i missed you! loving you both lots x x x
mum and pops - again its always good chatting to you too! shame we missed pops! but Grace is a good substitute!! loving you lots also x x x
jordan, leanne and Grace - its good to hear from you at last!! lol shame about your ceiling but at least it gave you an excuse to decorate lol! good luck with your exams, im sure you'll smash em!! i remember you revising for them before we went...yes we've been away 3 months now!! we're missing everyone loads but the blog and skype does help! we need to arrange a time for you and leanne to be round your mums so we can chat on skype! cant wait to get home and get a haircut from Leanne! Greg has been cutting my hair lol! its very nerve racking, the photos are on the blog of what he did to his own hair!! Grace is still as beautiful as ever! we have been lucky enough to see her on skype on a wed morning! she's getting so big! when does the apprentice start? we're gonna miss our wed nights!
Dan - it was good speaking to you on skype the other week, everyone was amazed at how much you and greg look and especially sound alike! we need another harrison news update so get onto it!! lol
mitch - hope you survived the weekend with Dean!!! has he gone back yet or is he staying around for a while? hope work and gym is going well for you! whats your measurements?
Mum And Dad
Hi kids - lovely speaking to you this morning, Lauren - sorry you missed Dad. Just looked at your photos - I think the ones of you and Greg dancing are really nice. I've text Josie and Sophie to ask them to let you know the best places to try for jobs and where to avoid!
Good luck job and accommodation hunting!
love mum x x x
Mum And Pops
Just had a look at the latest photos. As always theyre great and they do make us smile when we look at them ( especially when we see Greg pie eyed ) LOL.
Love the luxury accomodation LOL !!!!!!! Brill
Weather here has been lovely over the last couple of weeks but true to form it's the May Bank holiday this weekend and yes - you guessed it the forecast is dull - typical.
I'm cutting my hours down at work now and I won't be working on Wednesdays anymore HURRAH !!!!! Not sure when it starts but will be middle of May - 1st week in June.
Grace and I had a lovely day today. Weather was lovely and warm so she donned her pretty summer dress and new shoes ( beautiful ) and off we went on our usual Wednesday morning jolly. Fed the ducks up at Kings, popped into see Doreen and had a very welcome J2O then went into town looking for a 50th birthday pressie for Auntie Ann. Didn't find anything but couldn't say if I did because she looks at this site with Alan.
Pops was in Bristol today doing a huge installation for work. Left the house at 3am. Early night for him tonight. Sound asleep before Corrie I bet. LOL.
Great speaking to you both on Saturday. I went on the computer today ust incase you were on and I'd catch you on Skype but no luck. Wanted to show off your neice with her posh frock. Jordans right - she's almost walking now and gets around really quickly. We were in the garden today and she's walking really well just holding onto your hand.
Pops and I decided to do a very last minute holiday this summer. Going to pack a case and get on the computer and see the best deal we can get. Should be interesting !!!
Well time to say bye bye for now. Sending you both lots and lots of love. Take care and keep having a wonderful time.
Love Mum and Pops x x x
Jordlaaaaa Leanne And Grace
Evening, well for me it is (23:01) and ticking,
First of all...Really really really really sorry for not being on the site and posting absulute jack nothing. Me and Leanne have not had a comp for a number of weeks as our one pretty much went bang. We nearly lost all photos of Grace, the lot (including all the hospital ones), so was not in the best of moods. Grandad (hero) took it to Mr Byte (Comp guy) and got it fixed so all good now.
We have a newer comp now....got Nikki's old one, (not brand new) but faster and newer so cant complain. Dad is having my old one off me lol. It is working its way round the Fam lol.
Anyways...YOU TWO!! What a blast you both having and all the gang you with also. Cant believe some of the storys that I read and Mum tells me. What fantstic memories you both will have to take away with you. I am going to try and get all the photos from this site on to my comp so not only you got them yourselves but on this comp also. Going to atampt to make a Grag & Lauren Travels folder lol. Try and get the lot on it.
I hear that this site sends you everything on it once you return back home (scrap book type)....Very nice, a very cool thing to show the kids....EEEErrrrrr when you have them of course lol.
Love reading the blog. Its brill knowing what you are both getting up to. Really starting to miss ya's now. Not that I have not done up to now but starting to feel it a lot more now. It's so good to know you both are enjoying yourselves and having even a better time then you ever expected.
So....whats happening in the life of the Bowman's then!! Me and Leanne have just had the bedroom all sorted. Ceiling, coveing, skirting, the lot. It was really raining hard a number of weeks ago now and it ended up damaging the tiles on our roof. It all came through the roof, loft and through the bedrrom ceiling. We have had to do a insurance jobbie on it as it was so expensive to get fixed. All sorted now though, just waiting for the insurance money to come through so we can pay the builder.
I am still working, not retired yet :-( Things have calmed down a little at work but only due to time of year, I have still got 101 things to do to keep me busy though lol. Its a new tax year so everyone is chilling for a couple of months and then it will all start picking up again. I have booked my 1 out of 3 Investments Exams. It's.........not telling. I will lets ya know what the result is when I take it!! Been studying for nearly 14 weeks now. I work, sleep, dream investments lol. Leanne is all good, still working her 2 1/2 days (alright for some I suppose) lol. Leanne is doing really well with her hairdressing course. First year nearly over with now...only one more to go and we have one fully quilified hairdresser. Watch out peeps....she got some damm sharpe scissers ha ha lol. Scott keeps asking Leanne to cut his hair but I think we still need a bit more confidence before she goes cutting crazy on the next Zach whatever his name is wannabe lol.
Grace is a little monkey bless her. She is so close to walking, you would not believe. She pulls herself up from the floor, walks along anything she can hold onto. She is that quick at getting about the flat by holding onto things. We have had to get a baby gate for the kitchen as she loves the washing machine when it going round. She loves to just stare at it. Its pretty funny really. She is into pretty much everything. If it's there, she wants to touch it. Where she is really getting about now....god knows what it's going to be like when she is walking / running about without holding on to anything. I am making her sound to be a right little rasscal lol. (she is) but in a good funny Grace angel way. You all know what I mean.
I think that me done for this post....I hope this one makes up for the lack of....well, none recently!!!!
You two stay out of trouble and stay safe. keep it cool and KEEP IT REAL DUDES..........WOW MAN....SURFS UP BABY YEAH!!!! WOOP WOOP!!
xx Jordan , Leanne and little Angel Grac
Dan 'prince' Harrison
Ah my Gregson & Laurence-de-la-lauren,
This is literaly a quick message to say Hi!!!
I will be writing a long message at da weekend for ya's as i'm round nan & grandads sat night Lilly sitting :=)
If ya can, give me a buzz Saturday night.
Well, thats it until Sat night when i'll write again, coolio.
Hiya, Really nice to read your latest blog and as always - brill to speak to you on Skype. Message for Sally - thank you so much for calling us on Sunday re : the kids going onto Skype. You've never seen two people with a buggy shoot round Sainsburys so quick !!
Back to you two - how well are you looking. We miss you loads but are delighted that you're having such a wonderful time and that Oz is even better than you expected. Love the surfing stories. Can only imagine what it must be like seeing the dolphins so close.
Kat ( our PA at work ) has only been back in the UK for 7 months now and she's enjoying hearing how you're getting on. She had a fantastic time travelling and would love to go off again.
Had Grace today. She was really good. We went for a long walk this morning and went up to Kings to feed the ducks. Won't be long before she's running around. Pops and I are going to look at getting a garden swing for her now that summer is almost here.
Weather has turned really nice so here's hoping it stays that way and we can have a good summer and get the B.B.Q going again.
Looking forward to hearing how the next leg of your journey goes.
Sending lots of love to you both. Mum and Pops x x x x
Mum And Dad
Hi Kids - it was great to see you on skype the other day. I haven't had my laptop on for a couple of days. Really pleased you're riding some cool waves, Lauren - hope you get the same opportunity of seeing the Dolphins like Greg - that must have been fantastic. Dad and Jordan are in the garden painting a pergola they both built yesterday up the log cabin - it looks really good - the only problem is we now have to go out and buy more climbing plants to grow up it - how inconvenient!!! It looks like 'I just need one more plant' will never go away! Anyway I only heard on the radio this morning that gardening is both good for physical and mental health and thats enough excuse for me!
It was lovely to see you on skype Lauren and I want to give you a big kiss and hug.
Both of you take care and keep safe
lots of love mum and dad xxx
Mitchlaaaaaaa From The Same Motherrrrrr
greglaaaaaaaaaaaa thye always clean, well clean for me and any1 that nos me son lol. works good, tough but good, hopefully get 1t ea in soon, got a few on the go. gym is good son...........competition, m8 wen u cum home u wont even be worthy of bein my little boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not much else has chanmged relli son, on wknds im on the prow for the women, and in week i wake up, go work then go sleep sonny! deano was back this wknd, so u can imagine th wknd was a messy 1! hahaha. glad u n lauren enjoying more even more than u hoped, sais alot son! hope it only gets better! x
Greg And Lauren
Hi guys!! we have uploaded the blog so check it out!!
Vicky - it was great speaking to you the other day on skype! i forgot to say, when you go to Kangaroo Valley, drive 2km past the bridge out of the village and there will be a sign for the worlds best pies, go in there and have one of their home made apple pies! they are the best you ever had and ever will have!!! say hi to Carl and the kids!! x x x
Dan - loving the updates their great! Oz has been much betterr than we expected! we have done much more than we thought we would in the 2 months we have been away!! i wonder what the next 10 months will bring?! who has bet on us lasting the whole year out of interest? can we see some pics of the car? we found a website that lets us watch the new ultimate fighter series so we will be watching the 2nd episode this afternoon! we have started to get Sam and Ben into it, its early days but it is going well so far! peace out!
parents of both sides!! - its great speaking to you all on skype! we will be calling again today if you happen to see this message in time!! x x x
mitchlaaaaa - hows the job going? keep up the gym, Greg needs some competition for when he gets back!!! keep messaging but make them clean!! lol
dad and lynn - hope you had a good time in tenerife!! we'll have to arrange a time for you to go to nans so we can speak to you on skype! or if Lyne has it round hers we can call you there! its a shame about the beast! speak to you soon x x x
Josie, sophie - sorry about making you both late for work the other day! add me to your skype so i can call you when your not on the way out the door!!
jordan leanne and Grace - where's the love? we need to see some updated pics of our favourite niece!! she must have changed so much in 2 months!! hope work and everything is going well! speak to you soon!!
scott and nic - how's peanut! what other changes have you made? hows work and colchester?
by the way we checked out google street view and we can see both our houses on the street view now!! peanut is outside gregs!
anyways must go surf now, we'll put some pics on the blog later!
miss you all loads!!
Greg and lauren x x x x
Vicky Eastwood
Hiya!are you still at cresent heads area now,carls away but me n the kids could come n see you both for the day!think its about a 3hr drive away!guess where we are off in may-kangaroo valley!!booked a wk at a spa cottage!might even eat an olive you guys picked-greg hope you washed your hands lol!let us know take care surf dudes lolxxxxx