Hiya kids! Well just checked out your photos and they are awesome!!!what camera have you got?i want one!!!I also want a copy of the sunset one,who took that?Gonna frame it and claim it for my own LOL!how long have you got left at the farm?love your little car too!whats your plans after the farm?
We have just bought 2 n half acres of land here!all very exciting!bit similar to your rural shots on here!now gotta start saving to have the house built probably take another six months!
Well you both look as gorgeous as ever so this farm lark cant be that bad!To think that Greg wasnt to keen on the farming malarky!lol!
keep safe and give us a skype soon take care lots of love
Vic,Carl Scarlett Carlo n Baby Jackxxxxx
Greg 'the Hammer' Harrison
Dear Mitchell,
I am writing this letter in reference to your recent complaint, this was a typing error on Laurens behalf, in which, lauren has expressed total regret on the matter.................................
How have you been? Napa was good a? Would not expect anything less!
Good news on your first deal! Nice one son! Had anymore since?
Work is good, hav'nt been milking many cows, what with working on a vegetable farm and all.
Will be moving on soon continuing our quest down under so im trying to get as much training in as possible. Abit of the old press ups, little bit more press ups, and then I normally finish with a few sets of press ups!
Think i'll have a training session now actually, anyways........dont be a stranger, keep the posts coming!
Tell everyone I said HI!!
Peace 'King Great Greg III'
Mitchell Not Happy Harrison
next time greg, u update the blog as lauren so kindly 4got to write back 2 me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mum And Dad
Hi kids - the photos are lovely - you have some really nice ones of you and Greg! Sophie's birthday tomorrow and instead of going out for a meal, we are just having a BBQ in the garden as it is going to be about 29 degrees! We are having a mini heatwave at the moment! Speak to you tomorrow!
lots of love mum and dad xxx
Lauren & Greg
Hello everyone!!
we have finally updated the blog and photos!
Jordan - We are so glad Grace is walking now!! we know you've been dying to tell us that she's walking now!! she'll be running around causing mischeive soon enough!! you'll have to send us some more pics of her, we havent seen any in a wee while! Well done in passing your exams! i bet your glad they're done now, you'll have more time to read our blog lol! looking forward to getting my hair cut by leanne, Greg cut mine again the other day.... luckily i cant see the back of my head!!
mum and dad - the pictures of the house look great!! its going to be really weird going home, i wont recognise anything! lol speak to you on Sunday!!
Little Jordan -or should i say giant Jordan, i hear your getting some height on you!! have ago at getting up on sunday morning so we can have a chat!! your always sleeping!!
mum and pete - thanks for the bbq pictures! they look really good, everyone looks like they're having a really good time! have you bought your double wheelchair for the two wounded yet?
Dan - you can come off strike now, we have updated the blog, hopefully we'll update it a bit more often!
Alan - Glad you enjoyed yourself in sunny england! the photos look really good! im with you on the jellied eels, not an experience worth trying!! lol
Must dash the boys are waiting for me to watch a film!!
miss you all
Lauren and Greg x x x x
Smeggers & Laureners,
How di do do DO yous do!!!! Hope you are well and everything is going as fantastic as has been for you both so far. Lauren - You crack me up, the telling of the story of nearly getting ran over by a guy called Wolly in a tracker is brill, just brill!!!!
Gooooooood Morrrrrrrrnig Vietnam!!!!!
I know you are not in the above but it felt suited at the time of writing this message lol.
Yes....its late, Midnight has past and I should be in bed but No!!!!! Some idiot decided to turn the heating up in the UK and forgot to turn it off of a night time....result is - I cant sleep in 26'C heat of a night time (neither can Grace).
Leanne is asleep...one of us can sleep lol, aright for some!! I cant remember what I posted last time as it has disappeared of the message board so I apologise if I have repeated myself and if so.......deal with it and read lol.
So here we go.....Monday, I, Leanne got up at 6AM, went to sleep only 3hrs before that (heat). Grace was already up and speaking away and away like she does in the mornings lol. Got ready for work and off we went about 8ish...................Tue and Wed, guess what...nothing changed peeps. Ok ok ok, for real, lets talk some decent stuff shall we, read below:
Grace is doing fantastic, her speech, development going well. She is really picking up on things now, weather it be getting about by any means to attempting to have a convo with you (in her own language) lol and Yes it's true, Grace is walking....that's right....walking!!!!!!!! It's brill. She has to hold her hands together as she does it, she seems to find her balance a lot better when her hands are joined (Humm) but hey who cares how she does it..........MY LITTLE ANGEL CAN WALK!!!!!!!
I applied for a Team Leader Role at my work a couple of weeks ago but was not successful but instead of just saying no, better luck next time. I have been made a Senior Member of Staff, working closer with the Management team. May even be given a team of 4-5 to look after. After 15weeks of long ass studying and 1 resit..........I have passed my first Investments exam (CISI Introduction to Securities & Investments IAQ), It feels so good to know I got the first one out of the way and now can move on to the 2nd part (FSA Regulations)....bring it on, that's what I say lol. Leanne has fin her first year at collage and one more year to go and she will be a fully qualified hairdresser!!! Cool Huh, Leanne (By day - Legal Sectary / By night - Hairdresser) lol.
Overall, it's all good over this end, all work and no play.
I think that will conclude my post for tonight. I need to atempt to sleep, need the beauty sleep lol. Hope to speak to you both soon.
Missing ya's, stay safe and keep posting - loving the blog's.
Mum & Pops
Hiya, just a quick note to say hello and to let you know that we posted some pics on your e.mail. Hope you are both well. Sending lots of love. Mum & Pops x x x
Hi Guys,
Just back from a brilliant week down at your mum n pops'. Had a really good time and there is lots of pics for you guys to see. Whilst down there i experienced the nightlife in Southend. Mitch took me out with his crowd of mates. It was a really good night. We came strolling home at 4.30am in some shape! The BBQ on Saturday turned out to be a funny night. We had Mark next door and Jordan dressing up in all sorts which was hilarious. Met your parents Lauren, both are really nice and your dad is hilarious. Pete is a bad influence on him, giving him shots of Midori and Baileys to drink! He then got to taste an Aberdeen buttery which he lapped up! It sobered him up a bit too haha (Greg, your mum is gonna get pics of the BBQ sent to you guys so you can have a laugh)! We had a day trip in London on the Monday and then on the Tuesday we got to see a bit more of Essex, Southend and Leigh on Sea. Pete even managed to get me to try jellied eels which will defo be the first and the last time i go near that stuff. It was awful. Thats pretty much it just now. I am away to have a nosey at all your pictures that i haven't yet seen.
Have fun, Alan :-D
Mitchlaaaaaaaaaa Booooooom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well what do i need 2 say apart from NAPA was outrageous. theres not much i can say as its all out of hand and 2 crude so me n the boyz done the honours of recording it, not for the faint hearted but u, dan, jord n scott can ava butchers i spose, just the once though lol. ill ave 2 spk to ya greglaa ova the phone bout it, so lauren cannot hear my awful wordz!!!!!!!!!!
back to work on monday, the 1st deal has been finalized so bring me my money!!!!! got a few in the pipeline aswel so this is all gravey for mitchy magic.
anyway u 2 farmers haha, how life of having a bit of hey in the mouth and milking cows? haha. hope its still goin relli well, and the place is bein kept all nice and there no plates under the bed lol, i dout it as me and dan are on the other side of the world lol.
keep enjoying it guyz, miss u like a fatty misses a salas, jokes maybe a lil bit.
peace out hommie,
mitchy o so magic harrison. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mum And Dad
Hi kids - it was lovely talking to you yesterday Lauren, sorry I was backwards and forwards. I wrote you a blog yesterday but disconnected the internet as we had thunderstorms and then lost the lot! I was waffling on a bit anyway! The photos are lovely your house looks lovely too and look forward to seeing the kangeroos. Dad has secured the roof so hopefully no leaks now. The week after this looks better weather so Dad is hoping to renew the roof then. We had a really nice evening with Diane and Pete last week and are looking forward to next Saturday. Jordan is away again next week and has to walk from Rayleigh to South Woodham Ferrers and sleep rough to complete his Star 2 badge and this hopefully will also go towards his Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award. Mel as you know has had a bit of a tough time the last few days but seemed much happier yesterday. We are rethinking the woodfired oven, we were going to get one again but have seen something alot smaller and cheaper which cooks in a very short time - an outside tandoori oven! Tandoori chicken kebabs in 10 minutes! We have been taking Milo for a walk early in the mornings to keep fit (I have put on a stone!) and also Milo is putting on weight. I have changed to good old Chappie dog food and this is helping (Milo that is!). Say hello to the boys from Dad and me.
Miss you and love you
mum and dad xxx
Dan 'wildman' Harrison
Gregson & Laurence!
How's it going my little D-peeps?
At the moment, i'm in the back garden with the sun beaming' new top on i bought from Zara yesterday, the laptop infront of me listening to Enrique Englasius new song 'I Like It'...have u heard it, it's damn good i tell ya...youtube it up, it's a feel good tune :=) ...oh N i got Pops next to me trying to explain how to make a lemon pork chop :=)
What has Dannyboy been up 2 recently? Well, yesterday morning (Sat) Me N Walshy went for breakfast in Leigh, we both had Salmon N Scrambled Egg on toast N the bill was £!7.58p, crazy ah. Like the chap i am i slapped down a £20 squid note N said "keep the change ya filthy animal" :=)
Afterwards we went to Lakeside in Sams Mini cnvertible, we put the roof down...hang on 1 sec, pop's is trying to explain to me about his tomato plants lmao!!!.....Anyway where was i, yeah we had the roof down in Sams Mini Convertible cruising up the A13 N musta looked like a right bunch of woofters. Walshy in his tight top N sunglasses, me in my vest N 3 quaters blaring out N-Trance 'Set You Free' lol.
It was a cracking morning though, had loads of fun N it was good being out wit da Walsh again. The git is buying a Porsche Boxter S in October. He says hello to u both.
Work as usual is plodding along. Not a great one last month. All the deals are taking their time coming through but will get there. Mitch got his 1st deal in this month :=) It's a whopper as well, i think Mitch will see about £1500-£2000 of it so Mayhem are gonna make a good profit at the end of the month.
Me N Mitchellin went Seni last weekend which was AMAZING!!! There doing it next yar Gregwah so u won't miss out as we will all go again for definate. We arrived there N ended up in the middle of a comic book nerd convention lol. All of them in there early 20's wer dressed up in there favorite action hero's like Batman, Superman, Transformers etc N u can imagine what Mitch was like,.."i'm gonna flop him", "You ****** nerd, get away from me", "GEEK" etc lol it was hilarious. i kept tapping them on the shoulders N they'd turn round thinkin it was Mitch N he'djus shout "WHAT!!" hahaha.
We got to see Dan Henderson, h's lost loads of weight, i'd sy Middleweight N he's not that tall either, about 5,10 or something. We watched some Judo fights, kick boxing, muay thai, shaolin monks, cage fighting (MMA) but they wasn't allowed to punch in the face, oh N we saw stick fighting...that was gay lol...it literally is 2 people hitting each other with a stick lol.
We all the Worlds Strongest Men...bloody mosters i tell ya. Mitch just kept saying "i aint phased" and "i'll see him in the cage".
Then we saw Bodybuilding comps, Fitness comps, Miss Bikini comp etc...it was awesome!!! Next time Gregory son me, u N Mitchellin will go. I drove us there in my beast of an Escort, took a few wrong turns but it wasn't too bad as we just followed a taxi driver who said he was going Excel also so i thought 'result'!
Scott is already trying to pitch Peanut back to mum lol. Mum got an Astra as ya know N Scott politely offered a straight swap lol...Nice one Scottboi :=) Oh...mum didn't take him up on the offer by the way.
I gotta go now peeps but i've still got loads to probably type so i'll write again during the week okay. Me N Toni are off to Basildon or Southend to get a few things, oh who am i kidding, i mean Starbucks! hahaha.
Well i'll catch ya later Gregory N Laurence-de-la-lauren. Everything ur doing sounds sooo quality it's unreal N ya place looks the nutz!!! Keep posting pictures. I'll put some up soon for ya's.
Just thought i would say 'Hi' quickly since i haven't wirtten to you 2 since you left - it sounds like you're both having an AMAZING time and although i haven't had a chance to even read your blogs, i've heard SO much from everyone about what you're getting up too that it feels like i've been keeping in touch myself!
I hope you keep having a FANTASTIC time and i will make an effort to come back and write some more very soon - hehe it not like i'm the most exciting person in the world so it's not like your missing out on too much!=oP
Anyways as Dan mentioned, off to hunt down some coffee so chao for now and i will speak to you both really soon!
Take care for now!
Loads of love,
Vicky Eastwood
Looking all exciting then!you two are defo living the dream!Good on you!So will you be staying in Noosa for a while if Greg gets the job??we are all good,busy saving for our deposit for house n land and stuff!Had a lovely time at Kangaroo valley,the cottage was out of this world with wood burner so Carl was loving it little fire bug!Jack is getting so big and the other two are keeping me very busy!started potty training Carlo today Oh the joys of motherhood!!!!Keep safe and give a skype when you can!!(might be able to fly up n see you at noosa if you are going to be there for a little while)!lots of love Vic Carl Scarlett carlo n Jackxxxxx