Ooopps !!! OK before you say anything. I know ......... I missed out the p. lol lol lol
x x x
Mum & Pos
Hello kids,
Hope this finds you both well.
How did the party go ? Hope you had a great birthday and it was one to remember.
Just had a look at the photos taken at the pool. How impressive Greg............WOW !!!!!!!!! Wait till the boys see them lol.
Haad a great night with John and Sally at Champagne. Lovely food and loads of it.
Almost the weekend again. Going to decorate the kitchen much to Pop's delight..... not..... ha ha. He's down in Dorset today and may be doing an overnight stay as he has work in Portsmouth and Southampton. The sales job is official now and that will start after our hols.
Great day with Grace yesterday. We went to lunch at Carol's. Her poor house was a disaster zone when we left. Grace had a wonderful time, and does she love cucumber.....along with quiche, sausage rolls, crisps, ham sandwiches, yoghurt and lets not forget the skips. As you can imagine she's coming along great.
Well at work so best get going.
Lots of love to you both. Mum & Pops x x x
Hello my Auz Fam Memebers!!!!'s it all going good fellows!!!
OMG......WOW.....Missy is brill. Go get her and bring her home and also remebering your friend from earlier on in ya travels. At this rate, you will be coming back with a whole crew lol.
Cant believe you got to look after a little joey, that is just brill. You always seem to be living a dream and you dont want to wake up!!! and it keeps just getting better and better. I tell ya what, this is no travelers holiday, no hostel (bungulo), erning money loads of it)......hummmmmmm lol.
The pics are just fantastic, really good. I really happy you got the cards Greg, was worried they would not arrive. i hope you got my texts also!
Back here, everything is ok. Leanne is fine, Grace is fine (growing up)!!! and ME, Groovy baby!!!
This message only gonna be short and sweet but will post all the news, bizz, gossip......the lot over the weekend. Let tomorrow, Thurs and Fri get out the way (more gossip by then) Ha Ha lol.
As always, stay safe, peace out, hutu hata xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dan 'batman' Harrison
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gregson!!!!!!!
I know we spoke last night but thought i'd quicikly weite.
I'll be posting on here soon okay so u'll have a gossip update soon Sunday morning on Skype or something.
Happy Birthday Greg! I sent a text but I think I was too early! Internet is very slow at the moment so will have to wait to see photos properly as we are also on our way out now with Diane and Pete to Champagne Restaurant!
Love to you both,
mum and dad xxx
Nan & Grandad
Greg have a wonderful birthday we both wish you
a very happy day
love nan & grandad
Hi everyone!!
Greg has updated the blog and photos so have a little browse! He thanks everyone for his birthday wishes, cards and texts!!
Greg wouldnt let me write more about my baby Missy because he didnt want to sound gay on the blog!! lol so im going to write my bit here!!
I spent 2 whole days with her and we got so attached to each other it was really surreal!! at times i felt like Jordan and Leanne when they first brought Grace home!, i was making up her formula milk, heating it up in hot water, wiping her bum, keeping her at a constant warm temprature and cuddling her all day long!! she was the most beautiful creature iv ever seen! and i genuinly have felt really down since she left! i honestly dont know how someone can give up a child, even if she's not theirs and even if they have her for 2 days and even in she's not even human!! although i am very sad if i had kept her any longer (which was very tempting to do) i dont think i could have given her up!! and it wouldnt have been fair on her toi let her get more attached to me then send her away!! although i am sad atm i had an amazing experience with her and wouldnt give that up for the world!! look at the photos of her and you will see how we all got so attached to her!!
anyways i best go and get the house ready for Gregs birthday bash!! should be fun (but not as fun as Nan's annual birthday bash in Benfleet.. obvoiusly!)
Speak to you all soon
Lauren x x x
Hi to you both,
Just a quick message to wish Greg a happy birthday from us up in Scotland! I would think you have already started celebrating by now!
Have fun!
Take care,
Mum & Pops
Sending you loads and loads of love today and always. Have a great birthday and enjoy your party. We'll be thinking of you.
Love Mum & Pops x x x x x x
Just about to leave work and had a quick look at Off Exploring. Love the latest pic's of the kangaroos. BRILL !!
Hope you all enjoyed your meal for Ollie's birthday and how's the baby doing. That'll get people wondering LOL X X X X
Mum & Pops
Hi Kids,
Following on from Mitchell's ( hands of stone ) !!!!!!! message ours will probably seem rather dull but at least you won't need the assistance of a Uni graduate in Deciphering to read it.
Deciphering - the knowledge of wierd and mysterious writings. Yeh that's our Mitchell. lol
Anyway how you doing ? Friday at last and a busy weekend in front of us. Tonight we are going to Nicola's graduation party at Scott and Nic's house. She graduated on Wednesday so it's home from work quick shower and off to Colchester. Tomorrow it's your birthday b.b.q. Greg. We will be thinking of you loads and loads and we hope you have a great time at your own party at the weekend with the " farm gang ". A large and a small envelope are winging their way to you as we speak.
Lil's coming over to Nan's on Sunday for the week so on Wednesday Nan, Lil me and Grace are having a trip out. Probably go to Maldon or abouts. I love having the car seat for Grace. We go out every Wednesday now. She loves being in the car and she waves her hands about in the air when I have the radio on. Lovely !!!!!!!
Will be seeing John and Sally tomorrow night and catching up with all the news. Looking forward to that.
Pops has finally got into sales albeit only part time. Albany have decided that they are having people who will support the Sales Managers and Pops has got it. He will cover an area from Essex to Nth London and up to Peterborough. He'll be out twice a week and the rest of the time he'll be at the Rayleigh office. Goes without saying he's delighted and looking forward to a new challenge. Only found out today so watch this space for more news.
Still got the extremely dull, boring, slow, uninteresting, monotone Astra. God I love it !!!!!!!!!! ) I don't think so. As soon as it's MOT'd in December ( Xmas Eve if you don't mind ) it's gone gone gone. I really want a RAV 4. Remember them Greg ? West Park days. Well I'm going to have to save up but it'll be worth it.
Ah well better get going. Goes without saying that we all send our love.
Speak to you at the weekend. Look out for the lanterns tomorrow lol.
x x x x x x
Mitchlaaaaaaaaa Number 1 Hands Of Stone Harrison
yeh napa was out-rageous, in only hd 8 nights there but i dont well (if ya no wot i mean) ave 2 spk 2 ya on the blower soon so i can et ya no all the deeeeecent grusome details haha.
just chilling at dads at the mo with fat boy! just been gym, working harder there as ever, but daniel is not in my standard of a gym partner no more, think i need more of a challendge tbh!
yeah got a few more deals in the pipeline at work, but money doesnt bring happiness greglaaaa :-( hahahhahaha i think my real trade is in the fire service, im smoking hot and i look great in a helmet!
glad u enjoying milking cows, i cant ay ienjoyed it 2 much myself but wot can ya do. dad and fatty say hello and hope all is well.
wel son im bloody nackerd so gotta cut this messege short im afraid but make sure u on the blower soon, i miss your voice like i miss my teenage acne!!!!!!!!!!!!
keep enjoying it u 2 and lauren dont worry i do 4give you for 4getting the number 1 family member throughout generations. but it happens aain, i will ait till u r sleeping and put itching powder on yur pillow case.