Soz not wrote on here for a while. I always keep thinkin i need to right something on here but i end up not settling down till 10-11 at night and then i'm snoozing but i will write more often.
Hope everything is going great in your pictures N stories it already sounds as though it's excelled any expectations u left with.
Gregson, when u txt me the other morning saying a Dolphin swam past ya while u was surfing, i was 2 seconds away from walking in the office to start work on a rainy cold day N all i thought was....u %%%% (too explicit for detail) lol. Can't believe your experiencing all that notch! The best experience we get here at home is if Mitchell cracks a Smile :=) ...Only joking Mitch, your beautiful!
I'm still driving around in my Escort (it's a beast) no it's not really, it's horrible compared to the MR2 but it is more reliable haha which is what i need to make sure i get to work. It's brill on fuel also which is a major bonus. I won't have it past June though...i'm getting another MR2. There's actually a Lambo yellow MR2 always parked in Lakeside and come the end of June i'm going to stick a note on the windscreen saying "How much?" - 100% going to do that cuz it is sweeeeeeeet!!!
Works going well, i've learned loads since being there and it makes me feel i shoulda got out of the place in Basildon alot quicker because i'm doing loads better. I'm on my way to completing my 3rd deal and hopefully bill £15,000 this month - my target is only £8,000. Working with all girls is taking a strain now...will explain when i speak to ya Gregson incase i offend any ladies reading this :=) My managers cool and we are looking at moving offices towards the end of the year once we bring on a few more recruits.
I might be seeing Johnboy at the weekend so i'll mention to him about this website. If i see Johnboy this weekend it will be the 1st time since we went to the Oysterfleet for your 2 farewell drinks. Also will b seeing Walshy so i'll tell him as well. Actually Walshy always asks after u 2, asking how u are an everything...he's a good lad. He's doing well at work as always lol and is looking at buying a BMW Z$ apparently soon...good luck to him! He's prooved peeps wrong in the past hasn't he.
Me N Mitch went gym tonight N it was soooo hard as we downed our dinners when we come in from work as it looked real tasty and we was just so sluggish when working out we ended up cutting it short N coming home to watch UFC Fight Night 21...good event, had a few knockouts. Ooooo that reminds me, this Saturday night is Anderson Silva VS Damien Maie so give us a buzz about 3am our time again. Do u think Silva can be beaten this time??? i don't think so. i think it's going to take St-Pierre to do that, which is in the works by da way. Apparently theres talk of a super-fight being either St-Pierre VS Silva or Silva VS FRANK MIR!!!! how quality would that be ah.
Mitch just made me laugh big time...while i was typing my door opened (i'm in my-your bedroom) and i was thinking who was that when suddenly...Mitch casually walks past the door in his skimpy boxers LMAO!!!! What a nutter.
Well i'm gonna sign out now peeps...i got work to do. I gotta do some resourcing and find some people for a few jobs i got on at work :=( it gonna be a late night for me.
Oh N by da way Gregory...Stallones new movie 'The Expendables' is coming out soon...August i think. I will definatly be watching that, it looks the nutz. On the preview on tele it's got Arnold, Willis, Dolph L, Jet Li, Randy Couture, Steve Austin, Statham, the guy that played Alexander Grady in Best of the Best and loads more...check it out when ya get a chance boi.
Well speak soon peeps. Keep having lots of fun and take full advantage of being there. Keep posting pics and stories also.
Your Sincerly,
Dan 'LOCAL D' Harison - blaaahhhhhhhh
Mum & Pops
Hiya, Great talking to you last night Greg and catching up with all your news. You sound really well. Just had the Easter bank holiday and four days off. Nice to have the time off but the weather's been terrible - it's really cold. Bet you it's better tomorrow when we go back to work. Did you and Lauren manage to get easter eggs today ?
Have been looking for a new car today. Been to a few dealers but not seen anything I like up till now. Hope to get something soon. Trouble is I'm being a bit fussy. You know me - Toyota / Honda groupie so I might have to look at other makes aswell. Will keep you up to date with my progress. lol x
Keep posting your blogs - it's great to hear what your'e up to. Sending lots of love to you and Lauren. You both look so well in the pic's.
sorry havnt wrote on here for a while son, been a busy 1 u c. pics are looking well good son, now hurry up and sack on a pair and do the chuck liddle on your barnet!
i hope you are as depressed s e about frankmir getting his ass knocked out! i could have cried greglaaaaaaaa.
not much has changed, works going well, got some jobs on, ill let u no when i land my 1st deal, the arms are still an inch apart, if i get a bird then they mite even out if u no wot i mean haha, if u dont then well ive got nothing.
anya son and son'et...........thats u lauren. take care, look forward to the next load of pics.
peace out hommies, mitchlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Vicky Eastwood
Top pics guys!glad your having such a good time!whats byron bay like?we are hoping to get up there later in the year.where's next?stay safe vic carl n kidsXXXXX
Dad & Lynne
Hiya ! Popped into Nans briefly. Off to Tenerife tonight for Easter. Back on Tues. You are both looking well , glad you are having fun. Me & Lynne are all good. She sends her luv. Work still quiet , Guv away but when i get back next week it wil be back to normal. Getting p-ss-d off with the evening working now,must be getting old. Speak soon Son. Luv to Lauren x.
Mum & Pops
Hello !!!! It was brill seeing you both on Sunday and you both look really well. Love all the latest photos and the surfing ones are great. How impressed are we !! Really pleased about your jobs so hope you have a great time. It's 08.51am, pouring with rain here at moment and cars have got their lights on !!!!! Awful weather. Please send some sunshine over. Have fun. Lots of Love Mum & Pops x x x
Mum And Dad
Hi kids - lovely to hear from you and see you both. We've now seen all the photos and the surfing ones of Greg. Dad says Greg's surfing looks fantastic and said for once his sorry little life he felt a tinge of jealousy!
Dan and Mitchell - get round here and push some real weights up!
Have a great time over the next few weeks at Coffa Harbour.
Lots of love,
mum and dad xxx
Dan 'hulk' Harrison
Hello Gregory & Laurence,
Time for me to write a message as i haven't put anything on for a while.
Things here are good. Everyone is plodding along with work and the usual.
I just went through ya new pics, there really gd. love the under-water ones and the surfing...Quality! I'm really glad i taught u 2 love birds how to surf.
I've been plugging away at work, done my 1st deal a couple of weeks ago so that was a result. Once i get a couple more in i'll be getting another MR2 or a Celica GT4, not decided yet but it will definatley be one of them and i'll be getting it June. As soon as i do, i'll post pictures for u to drool over...oh which reminds me..the van u lot was cruising in looks the NUTZ!!! i bet that road trip was brill stuff!!??
Me & Mitch are still hitting the gym trying to get him prepared for Napa. He does well and we both gone up weight quite abit - see below :=)
Mitchell: Bench Press - from 10kg to 20kg each side - 10reps, Squat - from 5kg to 15kg each side - 12reps
Dannyboy: Bench Press - No progress lol, still at 30kg each side - 12reps, Squat - from 15kg to 37.5kg each side - 10reps
UFC 111 Results for Gregory:
Frank Mir VS Shane Carwin was short & sweet. Mir came in at 265lbs and looked like a unit, bigger than Carwin!!! Although Carwin was also 265lbs it wasn't solid. Match started with them feeling each other out throwing a few faints at each other until Mir chucked a few flurry's at Carwin that forced Carwin to force Mir against the fence and used dirty boxing tactics to weaken mir. Ref broke them up, Carwin pinned Mir against the fence again and dirty boxed his way to victory by bashing Mir's chin with a few uppercuts for the knockout - Round 1.
St-Pierre VS Dan Hardy - Went the full 5, 5min rounds and they consisted of St-Pierre dominating with superb wrestling takedowns and transitions. St-Pierre locked a mental arm-bar on Hardy but Hardy refused to was lethal, i would of cried all the way home!!! In the 4th round St-Pierre locked a lethal Kimura on Hardy and again Hardy refused to Tap so St-Pierre had 2 options - break it, or let go and he chose to let go - top bloke lol. St-Pierre wins by Decision by miles.
Well, i'm knackered so i'm gonna say cheerio for now. I'll try post something every week. Keep the pictures coming. I hear Greg is a baldy now because he messed up the clippers or something..classic!
Speak to ya's soon.
Hiya. Just had to tell you that if that spider was in my car I'd have jumped out of it and let the car keep going on it's on. No way would we have shared any space HORRIBLE. Love the scooby doo van. x x
Mum & Pops
Hello. We've just looked at the latest pic's and they are great. Just like John and Sally we love the underwater ones. Looks like you're all having a wonderful time. Daniel said that you called this morning. We are so sorry we were out again. We were down at Nan's for brekkie - lovely !!!! Hope we can speak soon. Last night we were at The Maharaja for a curry with John and Sally. We had lovely evening, lots of laughs and are looking forward to the next one. Last weekend we went to Uncle Rob and Sandie's. We stayed overnight, had a great time and as always Sandie's food was brill. Everyone say's hello. Supergran and Grandad Pal love getting the blogs and photo's and I'll be printing off the latest ones and sending them up to Aberdeen next week. Sending you both lots of love. Miss you loads. Love Mum and Pops x x x
Mum And Dad
Hi kids - just looked through all the photos - they're great! I like the underwater photos - not so sure about the 'night fever' photo with Greg and the other two lads!! Me and dad have just started 'impulse' buying plants again! Looking at the photos tugs a bit at the heart strings but I'm glad your both having such a great time.
lots of love
mum and dad xxx
Nan & Grandad
hi greg lauren
enjoyed your last blog do you still like olives greg