hey people. well just a quick one, hope all is good sorry to hear bout your car you two, wouldnt fancy a crash in 80's mazda! rather be in peanut
im bout to shot to boxing class now, mum said your up for it greg when you get back. ill look forward to it and putting you on your arse greg in the ring! cya scott x
Mitchlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa No Were Your Bread Is Buttered Harrrrrrrrrrrr
GregLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa / Lauren'erinuSSSSSSS
Sorry i havnt wrote on here in a while but its been hard as i dont want to get my tears on the laptop noin your both not here........................................Ha Yeeeeeeeeeh good 1!
Greg i hope u saw anderson get his ass spanked for 5 rounds then pull out a cheeky submission, i was FUUUUUUUUUUMING!!!!!!!!!!!!! his time is coming, i think i may be the 1st middleweight to take him to the cleaners!
Works ok?????????yeah good 1 again mitchell lol. Stressfull stuff, but i spose when i get my cheeky wage packet, my tune will take a change.
You 2 wouldnt believe what, i cant hold it in! ive boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooked my sleeve tattoo, well half sleeve, i wont say when for but it will be printed on my forearm for when your back. right no i can see greg going yeeeeees mitch son! and lauren going o nooooooo!!! idiot! hahahahahahahahaha!
im off to liverpool in 2 weeks for a ladz mess up! going to be out right rageous! thats for sure, i will bring home a scouser bird for every1 to meet b4 i marry her! lol.
apart from that, not much has changed in the life of the sexiest thing to hit the earth since Dwane the Rock johnson lol. Gyms going well still, put on another 5pounds so happy days there, my boobies are starting to show!
right well i best do the offs as BB on and well we no mitchell loves the BB even though every1 is hidius this year!
love ya both, keep enjoying it, greglaaa ill keep building up the UFC collection but then ill hide them like you chose to do with only fools, bad move b****.
Congratulations on your 5th anniversary. We hope you had a lovely day apart from working.
Shame about the car, but on the other hand it will work out for you in the end.
Sending you both lots of love from us all x x
Hi friends and family!!
I have updated the blog again so give it a glance if you get a chance!
Leanne - thanks for the message, no we're not engaged yet, you said you wanted to be there when it happens so Greg's waiting for the perfect romantic moment...when your sitting in the corner!! lol however we did celebrate our 5th year together yesterday!! So we do appreciate that you have been waiting a while! just bear with us!! it was really sad when Missy left she was so beautiful!!
Vicky - It was great catching up with you last night, hope your feeling better!! the camera we have is a Sony a380 SLR! the instruction manual is quite good and shows you what all the different settings do!! speak to you soon!
Diane and Pete - the boys are ok, Sam has a bruise on his behind but other than that hes fine! Ben has been chauffering us about for the time being! Gregs lamb shanks were lovely! Grace sounds like she's getting her own little personality now, very mischeivious! cant wait to see her again! is Pete still causing trouble on wii? Hope your still growing your hair Diane, it looks really nice!!
Mark & Debbie - Great to hear from you both, your typing skills look fantastic Mark, we're impressed!! we thought you were under the impression a keyboard was something you hang your keys on!! Greg has always been the noisiest!! do you miss his singing in the mornings?
must dash, Ben has cooked us up a treat for dinner!! Smells great!!
Speak to you all soon, Lauren x x x
Leanne (Big Dave)
Hey Guys.
Greg I know it is a bit late, but I hope you had a fab birthday. I have to say it is not quite the same with you both here. Missing you both so much. So here is the question are you engaged yet??????????? I need to get an outfit for your wedding. I have been waiting ages!!
I bet it was so sad to see Missy go. I heard all abuot her from Mum and Pops.
Anyways I hope you are both well and hope to hear from you soon.
Love Leanne (BIG DAVE) X x X.
P.s. Loving the blogs and pics what nice keepsakes you will both have of your memories when you come home (which I hope will be soon).
Vicky Eastwood
hiya guys!what you upto now?still having a good time im sure!Whats your plans now?do you still want to meet up?We have been mega busy so no worries if you cant fit it in with your plans!Carls been up near airlie beach QLD working away,supposed to be for 4 days but is going to be 2 weeks now!!So kids have been keeping me busy!let us know anywaysxxxxxx
Mum & Pops
Brilliant !!!!! at long last our dear friends next door have managed to get on to Off Exploring. It's only taken 20 verbal instructions and two home visits to get them going. 10 out of 10 to Mark and Debbie. Get the red wine open we're coming next door. x x
Mum & Pops
Sorry to hear that the Mazdamobile has gone to car heaven. Hope the boys were okay though. How you doing for transport now ?
Hope Sam and Ollie got off okay and we wish them well in their travels.
Did the lamb shanks turn out okay ? Hope you all had a lovely meal. The house must seem quieter now with only the three of you there.
Lovely talking to you both yesterday - you look so well.
Been round to Jordan and Leanne's today. Grace was very active and vocal. LOL. Latest thing she loves is for you to chase her round the room and as soon as she see's Pops she expects him to play along. Great fun !! Lovely to hear her laugh so much.
Did you get the latest pictures I sent ?
Mitchell's just arrived back home....5pm Sunday !!!!!! Had a birthday party in London last night......must have been good. Called us at lunchtime though to let us know he was alive......nothing changes. LOL. Love the latest blog he sent you...really funny.
Have seen Nan and Grandad a couple of times over the weekend and Grandad feels and looks much better.
Going to say goodbye for now. Sending lots of love to you both. Take care. Love Mum & Pops x x x x
Mark & Debbe
hi guys looks like your both having a great time pictures look great and u both look well nfkjkjfbkbvgjbcjhcj jhcjkjhvgdgfkjn jndkjfdkl klnjkndjkndsn sorry aout that debbie was laughing at me typing on this poxy keyboard still not up 2 speed yet taken me half hour just 2 write this much made one discovery since youve been gone ,you definitely are the noisiest one of boys . anyway carry on having a great time im of now to practice my typing skills lol
Greg Son
The Boxing class sounds great! Im really pleased your going to that. I think Boxing is some of the greatest training there is, strength, speed and cardio all in one! Brill!
Photo's look great, love the one of S.Gran & Pal on the beach (gotta love'em a!).
Glad the drive up to Scotland was okay, ill be doing the whole of Australia soon enough, ill be sure to let ya know how that goes!
As for Peanut, Im glad you've put back on her old shoes, shes a traditional girl that dont like high heels, I could of told you that! Treat her nice and im sure she'll give you 100mph, albiet going down a hill with a tail wind!
Hope all is well with yourself and Nic.
Take Care
Just think, I been away now for just over 6 months, that again, and ill be making my long anticipated debut back!
Mitchlaaaaaa Weres Greg Harrison
ok greg uve played up enough now, youvemade your point, time 2 cum home lol.
Hey guys, thought id email ya. Its just gone 12 here at the mo and watchin bear grylls at the mo and he is eating undigested nuts from bear poo...what a legend.
Well pics looking good, looks like you both having a wicked time, greg i love the bum fluff on you face man. oh yea happy birthday getting old now!
All is well here, sure you know nic and i drove up to scotland a month ago, was all good supergran and grandad were ok. Went to balmoral castle and into the highlands. Here are some pics
Really tiring driving up there but very rewarding and you get alot more freedom with the car.
Ive started boxing 2 weeks ago and love it, bought some proper leather gloves and hand/wrist wraps. Do it at a place called Ministry of Martial Arts in Rayleigh. They do mma, boxing, brazilan ju-jitsu and thai kickboxing (http://www.ministryofmartialarts.com/) Dan was ment to start with me but he is to much of a p**** as you know. So when you come back i'll be a double hard b******! So watch your mouth both of ya...
Peanut is still good, getting near 70,000 miles now. The old girl needs a clean, service and the tracking needs doing but its such a piece of s*** i can be arsed. Anyway i took the big alloys off, they just slowed her down way to much so put the steels back on. So far most ive had out is 96! lol and she wanted more!