ive finally found your blog and have 4 mins battery left so awesome....will have to wait till tomorrow to write..
i might not tho...but i might...but not definetly...but probably x
Mitchlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I Sed Mitchlaaaaaaa
G+L = GreLaurlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
How trickz kidz? still milking those cows? keep the hands soft for them now, talking from experience, no1 likes rough hands haha.
Well its safe 2 say that Liverpooooooool was outrageous, its like being on holiday, every1 having it in the street and funny enough i didnt get in or witness any trouble wot so ever and guess wot i go for the scouser birdz and end up meeting a bird from manchester lol, o well close enough i guess.
Grel when u get home i hope u still up for the MMA, im holding out for u son! and not just for the lift there in the mornings and not just so i can make u tap every saturday morning but i think its going to be some good bonding time lol.
Life is all gravey here, the ladies are all over me as ever and im gladly returning the favours to them by purchasing them 1 drink, luv it!
Hurry up and come home son and u Lauren of course, the banta of being abused in morning with a hangover is missed, yeeeeeeeeeh good 1!
Well have a gr8 time as ever, need to be on the blower soon peeps.
Greg Son
Whats Up Pa!!
Wagons great a! I already have my thoughts about shipping it back, the guy I bought it off reckons he could of shipped it back to his country (Holland) for only $1,800aus. I think that sounds a little to cheap but we will see!
Enjoy Viva Laaas Vegas!! Am I going to see a Marriage certificate from 'The Graceland Wedding Chapel' when I return????
Good to hear from ya!
Greg & Lauren x
Hiya !
Loving the wagon ! Bring it home , i'll have that lol. Glad you are having such a good time.
Missing ya loads. Nowt to tell this end,nothing exiting going on exept going to Vegas in 2 weeks for Lynnes niece.
Take Care x
Greg Son
Hello there Jordan,
I tell ya!! Im glad I spoke to Grandad already about Peanut or i'd be going round the bend with everyone NOT telling me what happened lol.
Tell Emma and Shellz we said Congradulations, really pleased for them!........................................ However, I was under the impression they were already engaged lol.
Hey Peeps,
Oh Mannnnnnnnn..............Paenut............what an absulute......
Greg Son, the weather over here at the mo is s***e lol. I have noticed that Mum mentioned Emma and Andy's Engagdment party below....by the way...Andy proposed to Emma and she said YES LOL.
Everthing all good this end, just a quick note tonight, I just about to shoot to bed, its 23:04 as I write!!!!....Bed Time baby!!!
You both stay safe and keep it real out there and speak soon.
Paeace out x x x x
Mum & Pops
Hello Hello.
How are you both doing ?
Love the car. It looks great. Bet you can't wait to start on your travels again. Peanut...................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh dear :(
Moving swiftly on.................we are all fine here. very busy at work this week getting all my outstanding stuff sorted before our HOLIDAY !!!!!!!!! Yippee !!!!!!!! Roll on next Wednesday, Pops and I will be running onto that plane.
Had a great night on Friday at The Tandoori Parlour with John and Sally. Lots of laughs and the food was lovely. Much better than the sloppy stuff The Maharaja has been dishing up of late.
Saturday we had a b.b.q for Scott's birthday. Just a quiet one with Nan, Grandad, Nicola and Mark and Heather. Daniel and Toni were there and Jordan and Leanne but they had to shoot off as they also had Emma's birthday "do" at The Chichester which had been booked for ages. Pops and I will miss Emma and Andy's engagement party as we'll be away.
Scott did really well in his English Lit exam. Got a B. Really pleased for him. It's maths next......yuk...Me and the old sums have never been friends. lol
As Jordan says, Grace is coming along leaps and bounds. This past couple of weeks has seen huge changes with her walking and talking.
Well, better get going as I'm at work. Love and miss you both. Take care of each other.
Love Mum & Pops x x x
Greg Son
J R !
How's it going! Me and Lauren are doing very well so far! Yeah we well chuffed with the Patrol, again.........................so far (dont want to jinks anything)!
Your right, time seems like it has flown by, its actually about 5 n'half months left. Were over half way and have experienced ALOT, got more to experience yet though. In the next 4 weeks we would have driven on an island with only sand and river crossings in a 4x4, sailed the Great Barrier Reef, White water rafting and the one im most not looking forward to......................Skydive from 14,000 feet! Im absolutely s***ing it LOL, but its got to be done, seize the moment etc.....
Oi you, Easy on Britain, its only untill you leave you see what a great heritage and history we have! Green fields, Cobbled streets, Better European Cars, The Queen, Old pubs, Sunday roast dinner, Red telephone boxes, Big Ben, Cream teas, The Beatles, The pound & Canvey!
What happened to Peanut!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I demand to be told! Anyone with information on the whereabouts of her, contact me immediately!
Grace sounds like a total different person since I last saw her! Its gonna be so wierd when we see her next! Cant wait!
Good luck with your new work placement and your DIY.
Peace out
Greg son and Lauren Son
Hey Gregla and Laurnla,
How the devil are you both?
The Nissan looks wicked by the way, 3.0!!!!! Not bad Smugglers……it looks like a real beast and yeah, how many tanks are ya pulling LOL.
The most recent pics look good. When I was reading your blog and you mentioned living in the motor for 6 months, I can't believe you have that time, it just sounds like a long time but its not. Your time seems to be flying at such a rate.
We so pleased you both enjoying your travelling time and it's so much more then what you expected, what more could you ask for huh!!!!!
At this moment in time (writing this), its 1:26am, I feel very awake and it's really getting on my wick!!!! Leanne and Grace are both asleep, getting their beauty sleep. I feel I not require this so thought…………lets write a message to the peeps that left us all here in this crap, rotten, so backwards country, it makes waterside roundabout look straight (sorry for the outburst everyone) don't know what came over me lol.
So my Bro and future Sister in Law, I hope you are both well and keeping safe. Can't believe what happened to the Mazda, thank god everyone was ok but hey, the Nissan is some re-placement!! Speaking of motors….Greg, I would like to inform you of some news regarding Peanut but I am not going too as I feel it's not my place to tell you such news LMAO.
Moving on - Myself, Leanne and Grace are all good in the hood. Working, working and more working (Me & Leanne anyway) lol. Work is manic, really trying to push on at mo. I may be taking a different direction at work (Same Company & Department) but more of a Technical Role. I can't say much more at the moment but will keep you informed as soon as I know more. Leanne is also really busy at work and as always working hard, its all work and no play this side of the world I'm afraid.
Grace is………..well not the little baby she was when you two left. Grace has changed so much and changing all the time. She is becoming very independent, feeding herself at every meal time. WARNING - don't try and feed her yourself, she will grab the spoon and throw it over or at you lol, and she is walking all by herself and getting about really well. The other day we took a trip to Mothercare to buy her some new shoes and once she had them on, she was following me and Leanne around the shop all on her own little two feet lol. Her talking is also coming along really well….we can say hello, hi, bye, see ya (with a wave), Dad, Dad Dad, Daddy, Jordan, Mummy, Mum Mum Mum Mum, Leanne, Nan, Nana, Grandad, Dog, bot bot, bottle, ball, dum, ooooohhhhhhhhh and she has also learnt how to scream!!! (Loud and a lot).
I have been doing some work around the Flat…yes that's right (DIY). I have tiled the whole bathroom (including tiling the floor), I am pretty impressed with it really.
I think I will leave it at that for now. Keep safe you two and speak to ya's soon I hope.
Peace out, oucha muta, elska luta, buachkasha xx xx xx
Mum And Dad
Hi Lauren and Greg - the car looks great! I'm sure Greg will want to ship the 'beast' home with him!!
Meeting up with Diane and Pete tonight at Tandoori Parlour - we've never been there before and we've only lived here for 22 years!
Look forward to speaking to you on Sunday (if I get a look in!)
love mum
(ps - how many tanks is Greg intending to pull?!!)
Greg 'hench' Harrison
Yeah the Mazda did crumble abit lol! Got hit in the bum by a big peoples carrier! Shattered the back windscreen, pushed the whole rear on to the rear wheels. The impact even bent the damn chasis of the car in the middle and bent the roof in the middle. No door opens or closes properly and the rear left panel has all blown outwards. The funny thing is, is that my little rear number plate bulb was in perfect working order without a scratch lol! Fortunately and amazingly nobody was hurt, just very shook up!
Got a new beast now though, going to be living out of it for 6 months so it needs to be lol. Its a 3.0l Nissan Patrol, it runs on petrol and LPG so that should save us a dollar or two! same engine as what they use in some skylines (only its a Carburetor engine and not Fuel Injection). Not much Horse Power.................but plenty and plenty and plenty of Torque! (0 - 60 is prob 15 seconds but, it can tow a Tank up a steep incline no problemo!)
I cant wait to get back and join ya in your gym, they also do MMA training so we'll have to get in on that aswell! I think alot of it might be Gracie ju-jitsu AKA very good!
Well good luck with it untill I take over the runnings of the place and take my place as top dog!
I have not had the pleasure in seeing Anderson fight yet, I will hopefully soon though, Daniel tells me it was quite the epic event! I predict another two fights untill someone susses his moves out. Scott will be the one to be him........................you watch!
I had a feeling i'd come back to some more ink on ya! I think sleeves can look wicked! Just make sure you spend the extra to ensure your getting a quality Tattooist! Must send pics as soon as you get it done!
I bet your hating not having Only Fools!!! Im pining for it like no other son! Dont worry, the build up will be worth it for our OFAH marathon lol!
Peace out............................ Say hello to the scouser for me!