Mitchlaaaaaaaaa Number 1 9I Had A Number 2 5Minz Ago Though)
as i sit here on my computer at work i feel i should make your day by saying hello!
glad you enjoyed the road trip thing, have fun being awful surfers on ya surfing trip lol, ya betta not be wearing those batty suits while doing it, man up and do it in the tod, ok fair play shorts will do.
keep avin fun, g2g as back to the life of recruitment :-D
Peace out homies!
Well well well well,
Top of the evening to ya's. I start to write this message at approx 11:25PM. Thinking about, I should be saying top of the morning to ya's lol (being time difference).
WOW....the pics are just amazing!!! I love clicking the slide show and taking the time to look at them. I got to admit, really missing ya's. Thought I would be ok for a good amount of months but looking at the pics.......My bruda from the same muda and sister (possible Sis in Law) from anuda muda.....I miss ya both!!!
Just need to say Peanut looks well random with the wheels on but in a good way!!
You both are doing so much and so well....really proud of ya's. What a story to tell in your life time. Somthing you will never ever forget and have with yous....just brill.
An update from this end of the earth:
Me, Leanne and Grace are all good. Work is really busy and I will be taking my Investments Exam next couple or so weeks so....fingers crossed!!! for that. I have done 10wks of non stop studying so far, it's madness......brain overload lol.
Grace is really starting to find her feet recently. She pushes her trolly around the living room like a little rocket all on her own now. I give it only a matter of weeks before she is walking. She is doing brill, she really is. Her hair is that long now that we have to tie it up in bows or her hair covers her eyes and then she cant see lol.
I think that all for now. Greg, Lauren. Enjoy, peace out, stay safe and looka massias
Time finish writing approx 23:45 xx
P.S. cant wait fir next Blog and pic's.
Mum & Pops
Hello Hello. Love the latest message and photos. Sounds and looks like your having a fantastic time. Will be printing off your message and some of the pics to send up to Supergran and Grandad Pal. You can sleep soundly Greg because Peanut has settled into it's new home and loves it's new wheels !!!!!!!!! lol. We are going to Uncle Rob and Sandie's tonight for dinner. Lauren............Pete says he's missing the banter with you but he's not missing the dirty dishes !!!!!!! lol x x Have a great week surfing. Sending lots of love. Mum & Pops x x x x
Vicky Eastwood
Hiya!Wow loving the pics and update!We went to Avoca beach,gorgeous beach and surf but last day couldnt go in because of the blue bottles!!!we wont be able to make noosa as carls working away for next seven wks,he is back over easter though which is good!maybe later in the yr!!!Cant believe you have been in kangaroo valley we are going there in may!!it sounds gorgeous!Carls cousin has been staying this wk,he will probably be coming for xmas too!he is heading off to victoria with Carl,he wants to do some fruit picking whats that harvestline number?loved the photos some good action photos in the surf greg!lol!have a top time surfing,keep us informed!!take care vic and gangxxxxxx
Mum And Dad
Hi Lauren and Greg - it sounds like you're having a great time - so much to do! Photos are great and look forward to seeing more. Everyone sends their love and have a great week surfing!
Lots of love
mum and dad xxx
Greg & Lauren
Hi guys!!
just updated the blog! be warned, its a long one!!
Scott - what have you done!!
Mum (gregs) - shame we missed you on mothers day and in the car, im sure ill catch you next time! i'll be giving you a call tomorrow hopefully! hope you had a good mothers day!!! missing you loads x x x
Vicky & co - we was going to call you soon, we're doing a surf tour from sydney to byron bay which i think isnt too far from noosa so we was going to see if you wanted to go camping there in a few weeks or a month or something? where abouts did you go? did you have a good time? hope you are all well!
Mitchlaaaa - glad the jobs going well! we look forward to your 'attempted' muscle gain lol! let us know how the cage fighting goes! Royce Gracie personally recommended team suregrip to us so you should definetly train with them!
mum and dad (laurens) - we've only been gone five mins and your trying to replace us already! tut tut hope mothers day was good! heard josie cooked up a treat!! miss you all x x x
Dan - stop trying to steal John you're only a replacement while we're away!!!
Alan - great to hear from you! glad everyone had a good time round yours! shame we couldnt join the party! look forward to seeing you guys again!
Dean & Aon - Thank you for the message! We will be meeting up with Andrew Walker today or tomorrow hopefully!! Hope all is well back in the office! hows the gym going Dean, hope your keeping up with it! keep in touch!
Bout time you two updated this site? Anyway hope it all going well, Greg just wanted to show you this...
Cleaned fully for the first time in over a year cos mum has never seen a bucket or a shammy or a hoover when it comes to car cleaning. Let me know what you think...
Good morning x x Great to hear from you earlier. We were all in the car taking Mitchell to Rayleigh station before work. Just want to say thank you for calling me on Sunday for Mothers Day and I'm really disappointed that I wasn't in when you called. It was a lovely day so we took full advantage of the weather and went out in the morning. At work now so will catch up with you both later. Looking forward to hearing all your news. Hope you both had a great road trip. x x x x x
Vicky Eastwood
Hiya! hope you are both well?we have just got back from camping on central coast, it was brilliant!hows the surfing going?take care Vic n gangxxxxx
hey guyz. hope the tour thing is going great, txt me when ya can son so i no u still got 2 legs n 2 armz and aint become some assiez b**** that he uses for a foot stool haha.
yeh amsterdam ius gonna be silly but obv i wont be looking at the women waaaaaaaaaa who am i kdding!!!!!
UFC this sat greg boy, make sure u catch it and ring me or dan and we shall evaluate evey fight. Guess what this saturday im going with Marco, j and pairs to see sum cage fighting, how good! once i get paid, im getting stuck in son! Now ive got my own t*** cumin on i shall be more intimidating lol. u gonna cum back and be my b**** son as i will be henched up, me n dan gonna send u pics of the progress - wow that sounds so gay and incest!
peace out u 2, stay safe ans think of m,e as your angel on your should, im sure u do already.
Message To John & Gregory!!!
John - Lololololololol, classic!!!!! I'll add ya ASAP :=)
Greg - Gutted! Lol, hope u & lauren are all gd. Call me sometime if ya can? UFC 111 is soon!!!
Speak soon
Dean Perkin
Gregger's and the lovely Lauren!
All of us at Aon are hoping that you are having a great time and experience out in the Far East and Australia! Certainly, from the photos it looks as if you're both having a fantastic time.
Andy Walker has now managed to escape and has now started his job at Aon in Sydney. I guess you'll be in touch with him soon so when you do give him our regards.
Make sure you keep in touch and we will keep an eye on the blog!