Winsham. Chard, UK Oct 21, 2012 Two birthday girls today. One 90 and one 4. A day of celebrations and present opening. Lovely food for a luncheon buffet and cake.
Winsham. Chard, UK Oct 1, 2012 Good journey home after a lovely w/e. stopped at the service station where 3 sandwiches 2 packets of crisps and a chocolate bar were £15!!
Winsham. Chard, UK Sep 29, 2012 Lovely day with all the family. Went into Chard for the first time which I found very interesting and did quite a bit of shopping. Cooked a poached Damon for supper. Weather lovely. J and W in fine fettle.
Winsham. Chard, UK Sep 28, 2012 Travelling down to Somerset for W's 90th birthday. Much evidence of recent flooding across the countryside. Weather improved during the day. Turned into a lovely evening. Very nice meal with A and N, P and M. All the youngs arrived after I'd gone to bed!!