Excellent ship. Brand new. Anxious wait to board as not quite sure that the extra low scuttle on the Porsche would make it up the ramp!! Cabin clean and comfortable with ensuite facilities and 4 beds.
Very bumpy crossing in gale force winds which disturbed our sleep somewhat. Early call to disembark and another anxious run down the ramp off the ship!!
Splendid roads and an easy run down to Quimiac. Detour to Pegasus Bridge, scene of the start of the Liberation of France in June 1944.
Quimiac is a beautiful spot with an amazing coastline of multiple beaches and inlets.
It was super to see Jenny and Graham again and after a lovely lunch we went on a site-seeing tour to a really pretty local village with lots of overflowing geranium troughs , climbing roses and blue plaques with details of people and events with a local connection.
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