Graeme round the world
Day 30 April 23rd Up at 7.30am for a visit to the local pottery works where Saddam Hussains brother demonstrated how to make pots like they did 200 years ago then off to see how they extract gold from the local rocks, which was very interesting but seems like a lot of hard work, so think I would prefer to make the fake pots instead ;o) Nasca was very basic and caotic and didn't see any other gringos until the airport, where we sat around for 3 hours before our flight, this is typical South America and its good to just always go with the flow. Our flight took us over the desert above the Nasca lines, which were huge images only visible from the air carved into the rock and sand below and which scientists have many theories for ranging from sun worship to messages to extra terrestrials. Very bumpy flight and the pilot was swerving all over the sky so everyone got a good look, so felt a bit sick by the end of it, but very pleased we went. Jumped straight on the chicken bus to get back to Lima. Again its always great when you have to have an armed guard on the bus especially as we were the only gringos. Had to swap bus midway and then the 2nd bus broke down in a town in the middle of no where, so after 7 hours got back to Lima in the early hours and then the taxi driver couldn't find our hotel, but you just have to laugh about it as its all part of the fun and I like it this way :o)
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