Nearly the end... or is it...?
Hello once more from Anjuna in North Goa. We arrived back at Paulina and Erwin's Guesthouse last night, to the same happy welcome - the family exclaiming over how tanned we are, as we were a lovely white colour three weeks ago. It's odd, Indians value white skin while we're desperately seeking suntans. We've got a different room, slightly bigger but the bed is smaller!
It's incredibly noticeable how many new shops and restaurant have gone up since we left here; we actually went straight past our turning last night as it looks nothing like it did last time.
Yesterday we spent in Panjim, the capital of Goa. I didn't really like Panjim and I can't put my finger on why. We ended up in a fairly expensive (for India) hotel as we tried three that were full and I buckled and took the last one which even though expensive gave us great joy in terms of mini-bar and bathtub. Matt's first bath since we moved from London - he is a man that likes his bath! We picked up a guitar for Matt yesterday at Pedro Fernandes, the best music shop in Goa which has the most extensive range and is the size of a broom-cupboard. There was Bob Dylan played in Anjuna last night! Paulina said the kids were listening at the window!!!
The day before that (whatever day it was - I've lost track of time now) I lost the food-in-foreign-places-lottery and had a quick brush with stomach troubles so we stayed another day in Palolem. Matt entertained himself and I lay very still appreciating the ceiling fan.
So the title of this entry… Matt's been offered a job for the season to set up and then manage a bar/restaurant at Village Utopia. Prakash, Owner of Utopia (isn't that a good title?), is adding three cottages to his current seven, and with the students of the on-site yoga school - there's already customers on site. So we've had an interesting few days weighing up the pros and cons. Just have to see how much it will cost to change our flights, I'd definately stay an extra week to help Matt setup, and as we all know I will be far far better at slinging up bamboo frameworks than him!Interesting times… keep you up dated….
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