It's the 4th of Feb today... are you flying home right now!?!
Must catch up if in London. Wales I can't get to. It invloves trains and sheep.
Lots of love XXXXX
hAPPY nEW yEAR to you too!
Looks like your there for the long term now you have your own house...
Seems like a brill time is being had - milk as long and hard as you can!
Hi. I hope all went well at the "opening" love mum xx
regarding the lastest pics - Matt - that dodgy shirt you are playing scrabble in - PLEASE tell me thats not THE balans maroon number.... Eg - wear it down a street and get random people takling photos of you
Wow, we've been busy recently. As you can see from the photos Matt's just uploaded we've now got the canvas roof and the silk lining up, plus a concrete floor and electric cables. The floor is going to get a coat of rusty red paint (trad Indian style) and the lights and fans have still to be wired in. The carpenters have made half the tables and Lalsingh the chef has enough tupperware to keep even Nigella happy. I'm still hurridly formatting menus so they can be professionally printed so I have LCD burns on my eyeballs and blisters on my fingers!!! One final push and we'll be open....
We have arrived back in Cedar Close this afternoon after a flight which was delayed by threee hours due to the plane having to be de-iced before take off. Just had a quick look at your site to check on your progress, love the sari.
Yes I did have two hunks who took me skiing three times, faster and steeper every time. I can claim I was the only one lying down on the ski runs! Thoroughly enjoyed being strapped to a hunk from UK
Also went on skidoo run with dad and Stephan. Baby Logan is georgeous.
The house is carpeted, and the bathroom upstairs is working. All it needs now is a Glenis things here and there to make it our own and I will enjoy putting up the xmas tree , unless I wait for Beth next week. Love to you both mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey you,
just a quick Hi before I go to the gym!! Yes you read that correctly!! Oh did you hear that mum is having a skiing lesson - would love to see that. She seemed to be looking forward to being strapped to a hunky instructor - tart!!
Anyway keep in touch, see you when I see ya
Beth xx
Alas, we don't have a microwave. We've got an electric tandoori oven but when it's switched on it blows the fuse for the whole compound! I've been trying to make a quiche for four days but the power keeps tripping out. Spu, can you adapt your microwave cuisine to two gas rings? If so come on out...
Prakash is getting a chef from Bombay so from tomo we won't have to lift a tandoorying-finger. I suspect Prakash is going to chef-nap a cook from Bombay as we've both given him a talking to about the slow progress on site and he's now desparate to please us...
Love to y'all, will get a blog and some photos up today or tomo - but we're needed at the ranch with Prakash away...
Bromster - If your kitchen has a microwave i'll come and be your new chef!!
Also - i see youve rumbled my secrect life in India after you found my car...cover has been blown!
Hope you are well, sounds like its going good for you both. And i dont know what you were worring about regarding Matt and a decent pair of jeans, we all know nothing goes with a dodgy leeds top anyway.
Take care, Love Kris
Perhaps my expectation the new chef would give you and mr matt a bit more chill out time wasn't quite accurate! good luck babe. there must be a learn hindi in 5 days guide, and well christmas is coming up...
lots of love xxx
Looks like you're having a good time. As everyone keeps telling you the weather here is appauling here so make the most of it!
The otter is very cute, thanks.
Are you returning home. I have all of the parentals flight details in case you need them. I take it you have doorkeys. If you fly to Birmingham you can visit the xmas market. Lots of fun. Hot wine is very very easy to drink!!!
Keep on smiling- hard work in the sun is better than not seeing daylight in birmingham.