Went to see the Ho chi minh Mausoleum today. It was very creepy to see an actual mummified person. I actually thought he was going to come to live and break throgh the glass coffin. The whole thing was very grand and I thought that it was good for them to celebrate one person who had done so much for the country. However Brett thought it was against the idea of communism, because it stressed the individual rather than the whole country. But whatever ya know.
Brett: It was an important critisim of the 'big man' culture that cuases so many problems in developing countries. You end up making religions out of movements headed by good people who try to be gods. Surely the entire point of a communist country is that no one is no more or less importatn than anyone else??
The museum was really good. It was more than a few facts and pictures about Ho Chi Minh and his time. It had lots of designs and arty pieces to represent the industrial revolution of Vietnam. it was a very good museum.
Brett: It was sort of like mordern art interpreting the various stages fo devlopment of the country. Kinda of interesting. Kinda boring day after that. Changing money ready to pay for the Lao Visa and getting some passport photo's. The photos were funny, a guy litterally stnding holding a blue sheet while the oither guy took the photo, billiant.
Brett: Just about to get on the bus to Vientienne (no idea how to spell it yet). It takes something like 20/30 hours. In theory is has seats that recline to bed- we paid twice the price for this so hopefully it'll be good. Updates to follow... we hope!
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