Aaron and Debra arrived at the house about 2pm and we had a BBQ at the house. It was yummy and was really nice having everyone together. Afterwards, Aaron Alisha and I played pool which was really good fun and then we all had a game of Uno. I lost, badly! Card games never were my strong point hehe. Alisha and I went for an hour walk to walk off all that food which was good and our bodies definately needed it lol. Jayne Alisha and I watched Australian Idol in the evening and then watched the Dutchess. Terrible film but was good to just chill in the front of the TV for a while. Nearly at the end of my book (fifth one I have ever read all the way through hehe). Really excited to see what happens at the end hehe. Just having a quiet one today and then catching some sun and preparing for departure tomorrow. I can't believe 2 and 1/2 weeks has gone by already so quickly. Were going to a restaurant called Sizzler tomorrow night for my fairwell meal. Its a huge buffet where you can have whatever you like and as much as you like. Sounds good to me. Must go for a long walk in the day to prepare myself hehe.
Lots of Love x
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