We arrived at Port Stephen and first headed to Nelson Bay. We went for a potter around the town and the bay, looking round the shops. We then popped to the tourist info to find out where was good to stay and whether there were any boat trips. The trips sounded a bit expensive for what they were so we decided to give them a miss. Instead we headed to a different side of the Port to find accommodation. We first went to a hostel which also did camping and thought we might get a bargain night, but unfortunately they were charging $18 per person, more than campsites we've been to and they had hardly anything there. We continued on looking until we found a campsite next to the beach (much nicer) for $38 and you got more stuff there, plus the woman made an error and only charged us $34!
We pitched up and had a quick walk to the beach, v nice. Then we went to the camp kitchen to cook our dinner. Now the site advertised 3 camp kitchens, we could only find 3 bbq areas but no kitchens… after walking around for a bit we decided to just get our stoves and cook in the bbq area. I started cooking, and sent Graeme off, only for him to come back having found the proper camp kitchen which was amazing and right next to where they were showing a film later. We decided to continue where we were, ate dinner, then headed over to the kitchen area where they were playing on a big screen '17 Again' yey cinema night!
It was an interesting nights sleep… Graeme's banned me from listening to the news now which is probably what started it. On the radio news I caught the end of a story about some guy on the run from the police and is armed and he's heading through campsites (not where we were mind, but nearish). In the middle of the night I woke up suddenly at 4am after having a horrific nightmare (too much cheese probably). I think I was still half asleep, but I could hear what sounded like footsteps around our tent like rustling through grass. I then was sure I saw a shadow of a person walking towards our tent and freaked out (although bear in mind how blind I am with no glasses). I woke Graeme petrified and told him and we listened for a bit to rustling. Graeme was my knight and grabbed the torch and had a quick peak outside. He couldn't see anything. I had a quick peak too and it seemed the rustling was actually coming from the trees above us, maybe birds or even koala's. Graeme was sure it was fine so nodded back off to sleep. I could still hear rustling, probably still the thing in the tree, but was still convinced it was a person. I eventually drifted back off to wake up in daylight to everything being fine. What a weird night!
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