Trier is apparently Germany's oldest city. By this I guess they mean they've found ruins of an actual settlement dating back before anywhere else in Germany. The Romans were definitely here as there are ruins to see still standing, but apparently there's evidence to suggest it existed even before Rome. There were two reasons I came here. One was because of that history, of which I knew really nothing about, but it showed up in a "top 10 things to see in Germany" list. The other was because it was right near the Luxembourg border.
As far as I could find, there was only one hostel in Trier, and it wasn't a very big one. It was quite nice though. It was however the very first hostel I've stayed in which charged for wifi, it was only 1 euro, but this proved 1 euro too much as the wifi didn't even work, not even a little bit.
The main things to see in this town were the Roman ruins, namely, the old city gate, the old bridge, some bathhouses and an amphitheatre. On top of this was the cathedral, which actually was one of the more unique looking ones I've seen from the outside. Maybe not the most impressive, but it didn't really follow the same design as most cathedrals which was a nice change. The Roman bridge however was a bit disappointing. It's apparently the old bridge north of Italy still in use. However, it's hard to tell which part of it is still original, because it looks to be fairly new. I think maybe just the supports are actually original, which is still kinda cool I suppose.
The baths and ampitheatre all required payment to get into. One of the baths I could still see a fair bit from the outside, and the amphitheatre I figure was probably going to be much the same as I'd already seen in Italy and elsewhere, and from the pictures I could see of it, it certainly seem to be the case. The old Roman gatehouse though (the Porta Nigra) was available to walk through and around, but required payment to go up. So I didn't bother with that either. As far as I was concerned seeing the gate was the cool bit, there wasn't much to see from up in the gate. Unlike the bridge, this thing was definitely original. Really old and cool looking.
The first night there I was basically alone in my dorm room. The second night I met Jacyln, a Canadian girl. We were both going in opposite directions the next day; her to Cologne where I had just come from. But we spent that evening right up until midnight just drinking beer and wine and shooting the s***. It was actually nice to have a bit of a change of pace and just sit down and have a casual one on one conversation with someone. I oddly haven't really had that for a while for any length of time. It's usually group conversations or short small talk type conversations.
So that basically wraps up my adventures in Germany's oldest town. However I did have to book one extra night because my accommodation plans for Luxembourg fell through and there was no cheap hostels, so I turned it into a day trip from Trier. One entire country in a single day.
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