G, just spoke a min ago but thougth I'd write a msg to prove i'm checking out the website -I will try to more often cos you've added loads more pictures since I last checked (your del looks gorgeous btw). Spose I've told u my lastest news, got into bristol etc -did I mention my cousin kim (our age) is coming over to visit from Australia in a few weeks? Haven't seen her for about 5 yrs, so will be amazing. Actually, she's just come online so had better speak. Miss u mdear, much love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
did the camel bones smell? they looked quite old. We found a satanic ritual while away, that stank, I refused to smell it and nearly made myself pass out...
Don't listen to Maggie, Dave is a weirdo. Camel bones are horrid!!!!!!
Fantastic photos from the Gobi, George! Much appreciated by us stay-at-home types.Mind you, the trees are just coming into blossom on Leith Links, and it's all looking rather lovely...
Dave says please could you get in closer next time you photograph some camel bones, if you can stand the smell? (For readers who don't know him, I should point out that Dave is an osteo-archaeologist, not just a wierdo...)
Love from Maggie and Dave in Edinburgh.
it all looks and sounds great and i am jealous. meany.
Hi G, Just watched facinating programme about Gobi and then caught up on your photos. Wow, What a spectacularly amazing environment, such extremes of temperatures and monumental dune landscapes. It must be a very beautiful sight when the sunlight makes contrasting patterns on the undulating dunes and there must be fantastic sunsets and nightskies full of stars - no light pollution etc. It was strange to be watching tv and imagining you there, well I know you're not now but thought you were before catching up! - So looks like you had another wonderful adventure. I gather the camels replaced the camper? much more authentic transport! Did you meet any nomadic families? and experience they're homes and lifestyle? It all looks very facinating! I'm sure there must be more stories to tell that the photos don't! Look forward to reading your news, take care and carry on enjoying everything, love lizzie and the boys XXX
Hi G, Just looked at your amazing photos - what an experience!! You certainly looked as if you were on top of the world. The sand dunes look absolutely breathtaking, although all the other sights are just as incredible and overwhelming. Your hair looks fantastic perfect for the desert I would imagine and your ger seemed really cosy and homely. I agree with Chilli - the camel carcass is scary! Your mind must be racing with all you have seen. Keep having fun - lots of love A : ) xXx
Why has it not gone? That is not fun. AH MA NA.
The camel carcass is horid, take it away please.
Heya Georgina,
Just thought I'd drop u a line. Heard u're teaching (if i am not mistaken) at an orphanage in Mongolia, sounds amazing/challenging. Bet you've been devouring some interesting food dishes out there! Tried chocolate-covered ants (I hear it's a delicacy in China!)?! Currently back in the UK for the weekend 2 see the olds (briefly saw Jo as well). Paris is cool...the weather has really perked up recently, so it makes an early evening stroll through 'Les Jardin des Plantes' (the Parc of Gardens) and a run along La Seinne very pleasant. Gotta dash but take care of urself (and the kiddies, as I am sure u are) and each other (as Jerry Springly so nobly puts it).
The Bringer Of 'hellugs' Le Mug
Hellug, Hellug, Hellug, Hellug, Hellug, Hellug, Hellug, Hellug the Ug
Hey hun, sounds like you're having an immense time, i'm so so jealous! I just got back from footy tour in spain, had a great time, kinda sucks to be back really! anyway we had two teams, and our team won the plate, and the other team came third in the cup. considering we were the only team who were out drinking it up big style both nights before we did pretty well, and the drinking during and in between matches couldn't have helped! there are some piccies up on our web site if you fancy a browse, the website is... http://groups.msn.com/trentwomensfootballclub.
can't wait to read more of your antics, missing you heaps.
lots and lots of love,