anniversary hasnt started for me yet, but it has for you. Tigers are fun
....till early this morning turned following evening, if you hadnt come here when you did I might still believe I was never in chains......happy anniversary.
Hi george
Thank you for my post card I hade a HAPPY ester. and I want to know how much chocolates you got.I love you love sam...xxxxxxxxxxoooooooooo
David (Bex's - Emu's) Dad
Hi George,
Just been having a look at your trip site. Wow, what wonderful experiences for you. It looks as though you're having a good time and doing something useful into the bargain. You'll certainly have made some new friends and had some wonderful experiences by the time you get back home, and it'll look very good on your CV as well. Just thought I'd let you know I'm following your travels and wish you all the best.
Looking forward to your further adventures.
Bye for now
Emu senior
Nan & Grandad
Hi Georgie - we have sent a little parcel containing some chocs and some nice smelling wipes - filled in a customs declaration so hope nobody takes a fancy to the choc.
Went down to see your Dad and Charlotte and met Annette there too - had a lovely time with them. Charlotte was particularly happy on Saturday and we had a good walk on Devils Dyke and then a fish and chip supper.
Slept in your bedroom with the soft toys! Enjoyed looking at all of your photographs on the walls.
Glad to hear you are finding the bargains in Mongolia and you have obviously found some interesting and tasty food - how cheap it is.
Hope your plans to visit Gobi come off - sounds fascinating.
We are all missing you and think of you every day especially your Dad.
We send our love and love you lots - Nan & Grandad xxxx
Hi George - love the photos, so glad you are able to keep updating them for us. The opera house looks better than I had expected - I hope your first experience of opera has not put you off for life! The night out sounded fun - I think next time you should take part in the bingo as so few people you meet in the future will be able to say that they have played bingo in Mongolia! Love the Brighton T-shirt and your little photo shrine round the TV!
Wallpaper looks fun - fancy coming home to a new style bedroom? I think you will be inundated with parcels and letters soon, you will need a whole day to plough your way through them and you will be very popular with all the chocolate you recieve. Keep smiling, catch up soon, lots of love and hugs - Annette xxx
Myles's Mum And Dad
Hi George, thank's for your email, glad you enjoyed the chocolate! we gave Myles your Easter Egg. We think your mum should be running the orphanage!! Sure she would sort them all out!! Adam and Nathan say hello, we have showed them your photo album, Nathan will ask you all about the graves and various murder's you mentuioned in your St Petersburg and Moscow bit!!...Be prepared!
You have obviously got your dad's photo bug! Seriously, it looks really awesome, photo's are really interesting. All the best. Peter, Tracey, Adam and Nathan.
bloody stupid post office accepted my letter and didnt say anything about a crappy customs form. Stupid, stupid post office....
Karen, Debby And Dia
Hi Georgina - remember us, we met you at last, last August bank holiday at Stephen & Marian's family reunion.
Wow - reading your website was truly amazing. Really admire all that you are doing - could not believe we are in Devon looking at photos of you taken today in Mongolia - oh the age of technology. It was lovely to read all your messages and to see your photo diary - what an experience you are having - look forward to meeting you again and hearing all about your experiences. This site will certainly give our four girls something to aim for.
Happy Easter from Dia, Steve, Karen, Grace, Ella and Phil, Debs, Hannah and Claire from Tipton St John, Devon xxxxxxxxx
PARCEL AND LETTER ALERT - Relevant to anyone out there sending a letter or parcel to George. Weve just found out that all letters and parcels to Mongolia requires a custom form to be filled in. Its a simple thing, but some post offices might just accept the item without asking - so please prompt them. You probably know this already, but just in case. Boring but it would be horrible if parcels never arrive because of this.
hang on, if you are 8 hours ahead of England and I'll be four hours behind on Sunday that'lll be 12 hours different, are a long way away!
Dad Oh Dear
Ignore last message - got excited. Its not true! Others are longer. Oh dear, I'm sad! xxx