hello george, hope all is well.interesting photos, you have thousands of them. i actually think the sea-horses on sticks is a great idea. they should do more meat on sticks for example polar bear. only just realised that there was a message board so sorry for late entry. xxx
Chilli Agemengmong Bear
I do not like the seahorses on sticks one little bit. No no no, not one little bit. Horrid.
yeah, we were relatively near São Paulo, four hours, but thats not so far in Brazil...spent much time there.
Hey, i got your text this monring (english time on thurs) sorry i couldnt reply, ive got no credit. Hope youre having a good time.
'formative years'!! must remember to read msgs before sending!
Thanks for the postcard G X, We love the market photos and all agree the fruit on a stick looks far more appealing than sealife and scorpions - makes the french taste for frogs legs seem rather wasteful! why eat only the legs when you can have the whole frog - Yum! Beijing looks spectacularly colourful in every way you must be on such an aesthetic high and your photos make it look more inviting than any brochures do - Gabes and I see a career with National Georgraphic awaits you. Speaking of whom, Gabriel has his first ever detention next week for setting something alight in the science labs! apart from the obvious embarassment was the fact that I had recently written in to complain that he was extremely disappointed when all practicals had been banned due to the unsafe antics of some of the more infamously naughty boys! he had an almost triumphal smile as he told me of the impending punishment - I do of course blame your father's influence during his informative years! Luca has his big gig for Teenspirit coming up soon at Concorde II with Caelum, so is out most nights practising for that or numerous breakdance performances and is off to London for a workshop at Sadlers Wells on Saturday. Gabriel is lead singer in a band now too 'No More Heroes' and is very nervous about his first gig coming up soon, but he was highly praised by all for his recent first breakdance performance at school so I'm sure his confidence will flourish as Luca's did once he got to hear the girls scream for him!!! So that's a little of whats going on here - look forward to your next news and photos - Enjoy :) XX Lizzie XX
Thanks for the pressie and card. Was great to a get text too. XXXXXX
Thanks for the card the money is cool, so different! I'd consider collevcting if not for the effort, expense and general 'not going to happen ever'ness!
hugs Rae
Thankyou sooooo much for your present. Its awesome! :D
Hi G - you must feel as if you have stepped out of one world into another completely different one. What a contrast to the last few weeks. Everything looks so exciting and colourful (especially all the green!) Being in a country with such strong beliefs and traditions must be very inspiring - once again just enjoy every moment. Look forward to the next installment - lots of love A xxx
Your red spot has moved south! Green paddy fields,a great long wall, real (not a jacky chan in sight) kung fu show,snow leopards, panda eyes,rolling along in a rickshaw,battered crickets, sacred herds,summer palaces and ancient temples. Here? Dream Team, M25 ( a great long road), bruce lee reruns,battered mars bars ... but it is green as well! I've had some braids like yours put in - very scary! Have a fantastic china tour G - Love you Dad xxx
Nan & Grandad
Just read your recent very interesting Email particularly your comments on adoption - must have been very emotional for you - and there were obviously special children that you just cannot help but become very fond of.
You'll always remember the orphonage. Looking forward to talking to you about it Georgie.
We went to a May day fete yesterday in a village near Jane & Brian - amongst the various Stalls and and animal pens were some Llamas - yes, they are rather snooty the way their heads are positioned! Grandad took some photos which they seemed to pose for! There was a 5 mile run organised at the same time - all seemed rather professional with 300 taking part. Jane & Brian did the run and we cheered them in at the finishing line both looking very exhausted and hot as the finish was up two hills! Brian did it in 34 minutes - Jane in 47 minutes.
Looking forward to your next Email from China - how exciting. More interesting experiences coming up for you to enjoy. We are off to France next Tuesday for 5 days - Rouen. All so tame considering what you are doing.
Take great care. Lots of Love - Nan & Grandad xx