I am currently at an internet cafe in Singapore Airport. I do not like this place very much, everyone looks strange at me like they want to eat me. The flight was ok, Mug didnt sleep at all, but he enjoyed beating the computer at chess several times on its hardest level. In a few hours we will be in Australia!!1 YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY
Hi George - great to catch up with you the other day I hope the sun tan is up to your usual standard. Just to wish you a trouble free onward journey and to welcome Myles to your adventure. Keep having fun, hopefully we will speak again soon. Lots of love A xxx
Nan & Grandad
Hi Georgie - just read your Email from China - certainly is so interesting and you are obviously having such a great time. The mossy bites sound real painful especially that p**** one.
Ten desserts - some appetite - we'd rather feed him for a day than a week! Your experience in the night club was something - you foreigners clearly attract attention. Perhaps some of it unwanted.
We are going to Cornwall for a few days the week after next - we wish we could join you in Aussie land! Note you are off to Aussie soon - have a great time. We think of you lots and send our love. xx
Hello Georgina - Daddy has told me you are having a great time in China - with lots of noodles to eat and tea. And funny bike rides. I like peking duck. I have been to oasis, it was a long car drive away. I will see your photos soon. Tomorrow I am seeing Mummy , Teresa , Holly and baby Jack.I love you - Charlotte xx
G- Just read your last batch of postcards - they made me feel very happy, smiling and laughing all the way through at all crazy fun antics . Youve seen stuff I havent even read about! Brazil? Not Peru? Or maybe its the same trip - Go G! Great your having a chill at your beach side hotel - catching your breath. Youve obviously met some really interesting people who have turned into friends. Love the stories - long way from Eastbourne! Happy gum baying and keep that t shirt tucked in when dancing! Onto Aussie and a whole new dame enda'ish culture - enjoy every moment and experience on offer dinkum - like youve done for the last months. Bloody love ya! Dad xxx
Yes, i meant friday. It's just I fly out on thurs, im not THAT stupid Ugle!!!!
Jack William arrived +
yesterday morning at 9.58 am, weighing in at 7lb 10 3/4 oz. So he is about 4 ounces bigger than Holly. T was very brave and had the caesarean with a 'spinal' and so was wide awake all through and stayed awake this time! Although was holding my hand so tight I almost lost feeling in it! Jack came out looking and sounding like a grumpy old man but over the day started to morph into a tiny Holly Jayne. I guess by this morning he should look quite a trick. Sorry I couldn't get a message to you yesterday. All the patients phones were down and that meant a long haul back to the hospital entrance to make a call. Consequently was bombarded with calls last night and after was too tired to face a fight with the internet. Will get back earlier tonight and email. Will send a pic of baby brother on Friday when T is out. Love mum xxxxxx
Don't worry G I'll keep my promise!! x
Just Call Me 'blue'
Me too - thought I'd fly out to meet up with you pommies and share a few tinnies over a barbie - Dad xx
Yes, I too have been suffering from this problem. I hope youre having a great time Ugle. You go to Australia next week! YAY! Hang on....so do I!!! YAY!!!
I have been diagnosed with 'agd 'syndrome - acute g deprivation - the only cure is some,any contact. The only preventative medicine is knowing your having a truly fabulous magical time - miles from all forms inter continental communication. Love you -xx
Hey George, havent heard from you in a while. Hope everything is ok. Give me an email sometime.