Just a quick message to let you know that even though I'm so rubbish at keeping in touch, I am thinking of you. You are in my thoughts lots and I'm really missing you. And I think that's part of why it's a bit hard sending messages: I sort of well up and become rather melancholy. Also am rather jealous, in a wish I was there kind of way. Not just exploring and taking advantage of all these great opportunities but in your head with the spirit to have a go! I recall being rather cautious and fearful of trying new things at your age. Never has living your life vicariously (ask Myles) felt so unsatisfactory!
Life here very busy in a humdrum sort of way. Charlotte is back for a holiday: she is very giggly and smiley, especially through the night. And seems very relaxes so maybe she's pulled out of the doldrums she's been in since last autumn. She had a great time at Chessington World of Adventures with you dad and Annette yesterday and says it's OK to take me swimming later (a new strategy that seems to be working).
Haven't received any skins yet but no need to bother now as Jo and I ordered the leather sofa Mamma was hankering after from L A. Mamma has her new sofa, it arrived last week. And is very lovely indeed. But as you can imagine the receiving of the gift was not without it's complications! The carriers tried to insist that it wouldn't go up the stairs unless the handrail was taken off/ a window taken out etc or they took it away and we'd lose 25% of the price. And she says she had to ask them 6 times to take the legs off and tell them all the bother was making her feel ill, before they did this and it went up no problem. Naturally have rung the company to complain and am waiting to hear back what they intent to do to make amends for Mamma's distress and the spoiling of receiving and giving the gift for all of us! Am expecting more than a letter of apology!
Needless to say the sitting room now requires redecorating so the interior befits this bespoke 'heirloom'. Spent last Saturday re-organising furniture and buying paint. Am spending next weekend up at Mamma's painting, rehanging pictures etc. Will look splendid! But possibly not as exciting or life changing as sky diving or swimming with dolphins. Still, make the most of it now, don't forget when I get to as great an age as Mamma you might be holding decorating parties to sort me out!
Jack is putting on about a pound a week and Holly is dropping neat observations into conversations, reminding me to be accurate in my use of nouns (eg that Pom has paws not hands) and talking in short sentences both to us, the dogs and her toys! Also this morning she washed herself in the bath.
Jack's christening is on 25th September. Can you try to ring us about this?
Will try to be better at keeping in touch. But even with my best efforts I think you will have to trust that I love you very much and am thinking of you. Love mum xxxxx
Chester Home Delivery
This is to inform you that one bear, name of Chester has arrived home safely .He is in a somewhat gruffy mood having been in a parcel from Australia, without company and no food. He will have special treats for next couple of weeks.
Yay - You did the bungy jump :) Any Pics? All sounds great fun, watch out for Orcs! XX lizzie
Komodo Lover
OMFGTEHPOWA!! where are the komodo dragon pic's? i have looked everywhere for them to no avail.
'M' n 'G'.. you two better be having.. fun ;) hahhaahhaa.
Im glad you saw Komodo dragons. I wish i was there. instead i am working a.. 70hour week.
I love you myles. (and george.. but not as much as fletch does)
lots of love
The Komodo Lover.
Hi G, we got your china postcard! very pretty, thanks. Dad forwarded your dolphin text to me and I tried to reply but it obviously didn't work! What an incredible experience, I think they must have sensed you already have a special interest in their habits and sonar communication, you must feel very privileged to have seen such a spectacle! One of my Spanish students last year was a marine biologist and told me about how they sleep, but to be lucky enough actually see them out in the wild Wow! Your postcards and photos have been great for giving everyone a real sense of what youre doing and have no doubt inspired much wanderlust. Good luck to you and Myles in NZ, they do the big bungy jumps there, look forwarwd to pics of you both bouncing around on the end of a rope :) Love Lizzie X
Richard B Riddick
hellllo the two of you. just a few things well done m on insisting to take a picture of all the animals. im loving the wombat. can you send me one. thanks for the neighbourss info. please send more. storylines are good but incredible slow over here as you may have guessed just to let you know what you missed in the three months over here. boyd is hearing voices, going schizophrenic (wow that actually looks correct spelling-wise) amazing scene where he is talking to summer the camera turns round and noone is there. harold accidently nearly kilsl lou in the new restaurant. he leaves gas on all night and the lou nearly gets blown up. look at all you have missed. no chance of watching big bro then. think m might like derek for some reason. hope all is going well, enjoying yourselves. looks fantastic xxxxxxxxx
Hey Myles and George. looks like you're having a fantastic time, very jealous! keep the photo's coming!
WOW - the bridge climb looked great fun - I love the Star Trek suits - you both look as if you are having great fun - great plans for NZ - keep enjoying yourselves - love A xxx
Hey Myles, hey George. Brilliant web site here, and the photos your taking are beautiful, can't believe you've done so much in only 3 months George! Australia looks amazing too. I wish you both the best and hope you continue having a great time, it looks like your both very happy x x ps. I dont think I'll bother with neighbours anymore either;) !
By the way, where are the pug dogs in the zoo? Eh?
Thanks, you spoiled the neighbours storyline for me. Thanks a bunch.
Some great pics you got up by the way.
Hope everything's good.
Myles Dad And Mum
Hi Myles and George, I have sent a message to Steve Irwin to sort that bloody Polar Bear out when you go to his zoo! Be prepared, that bear is on the way out! It is quiet here..Nathan is totally up the pole! He reckons its your fault Myles! 'cos your not here! He is convinced your going to be eaten by a great white shark! Have a lovely time both of you, keep in touch. love. Dad, Mum, Adam and Nathan