gem & rebso's travels
My turn to write!!!
Sitting in a hostel in Beijing drinking beer at 0.13p per 660ml bottle... But don't fret Mum, we're not drinking that much of it as we seem to be tired all the time. Probably something to do with the silly amount of walking we're doing round the whole of Beijing. Although we have now mastered the underground and even ventured onto a bus today. Possibly not the most efficient mode of transport as it took us 2 hours to get back from the Summer Palace and then we still had an hour walk back. We went through Tianenmen Square at night though which was fantastic. On the way back from there we walked past a film premiere of The Banquet: very exciting with red carpets and paparazzi and everything. We also knew who the actors were as we'd read the China Times on Monday! So we've now been to a pop concert in Sabah and witnessed a film premiere in Beijing!
We can also now survive in China as we've learned how to say water, beer, fizzy water, chicken, rice and fish! And we can ask for the bill and say thank you. Not sure anyone understands us as we've befriended a French man who is fluent in Chinese and is desperately trying to impress Gem!!
Anyway, must go... There's a queue forming...
Loads of love
PS: Liz, we're trying our best to get our 5 fruit and veg in a day but not that easy... although... does aubergine, aubergine, aubergine and a bit more aubergine count???
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