As you've probably noticed, I've managed to upload some photos at last! You can see my accommodation for the night in this one...
We mooched about Kamakura until about 3pm today when we got the train to Tokyo. Our hotel is in Akihabara (Electric Town) and is of the capsule variety. At 4,000 yen a night it's a bit of a bargain - only slightly more expensive than the hostels and cheaper than our ryokan that may have been authentic but wasn't exactly luxurious.
You put your shoes in a locker and hand the key in at reception where they give you your keys for your locker, capsule and shower room. The ladies' capsules are on the top two floors so I'm on my tod tonight. It's surprisingly spacious inside with a tv, radio, alarm clock and light. You also get a free robe and toothbrush! I whooped when I saw it, much to the alarm of a fellow lodger!
After checking in we headed out back into Akihabara where I got some replacement photos of the sex shop (priorities) before we got the train to Shibuya. We did the ultimate in people watching from the second floor of Starbucks, observing the mayhem at Shibuya crossing (see photos!). Then we went for tea (terriyaki burger for me) and a beer at a British style pub. It was quite bizarre seeing the environment the Japanese think we drink in. There were even British menus. Seeing people eat fish and chips with chopsticks is one of the oddest things I've seen so far.
We're back at the hotel now and the lads have gone to bed. I'm setting my alarm very early tomorrow to say goodbye to Donald. Then Jim and I are going to try to have the cheapest day in Tokyo possible before getting our flight to Cairns at 9.30pm. So next time I update this I will be in Australia!
Until then, look after yourselves and each other! Love you lots x x x
P.S. Quote of the day was won by Don in response to Jim and an old Japanese woman being stood for about 2 minutes trying to let the other have the right of way: "You can't win a goodwill stand off with a Japanese person".
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