It's a slightly grumpy Samways writing this today. I've been feeling a bit homesick for the last couple of days, probably because we've done very little but sit! We're still in Kamakura at the moment in Daisy's Cafe, which is Hawaiian themed. In fact, the entire town of Kamakura seems to be Hawaiian themed, which is more than a little surreal. It's a beach town south of Tokyo where all the surfers come apparently. However, I'm yet to see an actual wave and you can't go in the sea now because of the jellyfish.
Jim rejoined us yesterday (we actually accidentally bumped into him in the street and it's a good job we did because he was walking in the opposite direction of our hostel). Our hostel was an interesting one, run by a complete Nazi. I didn't see any swastikas anywhere but had we been able to check his back I'm certain we'd have found a lifesize Hitler tattoo on his back (in Alan Partridge style). Adolf, as we'll call him, ran a strict 10pm curfew with a 10.30pm shower cut off point and an 11pm lights out policy. I felt about 10 years old! When Jim asked to use the shower this morning he looked at him as if Jim had defecated in the middle of the floor. I think he'd made his mind up about us as soon as we arrived - we were just a bunch of slovenly Westerners who were to be treated with nothing but contempt.
We've escaped now anyway and have been sat on the beach before having lunch here. It's Donald's final day with us today and we will be very sad to see him go. It's been an absolute joy having Derby's most casual man as part of the team and I know Australia will be a lot less relaxed without him! We're off to Tokyo in a wee bit for our final night in Japan, staying in a capsule hotel. I'll probably wake up thinking I've been buried alive or something - it's a good job I'm not claustrophobic.
Anyway, not sure when I'll have chance to update this next - I may even be in Australia! Hope you're all well, I MISS YOU LOADS!!! x x x
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