Got the shared taxi to Ban LUng. Cudnt believe it!Was 3 in the front and 4 in the bk of a car and then he pulled over and anothet girl jumped in the front! Worse than that time Thainy rapped his car up! Hired a motorbike/moped for the day and visited two waterfalls and a volcanic lake, obv getting lost on the way. Kym was no where near as bad a passenger as I was expecting!The lake , Boeng Yeak Lake was gorgeous.Well worth the cramped taxi ride. Its surrounded by forest and is deep right from the edge so u can dive in off the walkway. Kym enjoyed playing with the local kids and showing all her mossie bites off to these Aussies. When we got back to the hotel we were covered from head to toe in orange dust which were stil trying to get off.
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