Good evening,
Last Night we went to the Chiang Mai night market! We rode in a pimped out tuk tuk! the owner had decorated it like the batmobile and blasted out michael jackson - super cool!! The market was huge, brilliant! it wasnt tacky and full of the same old crap like in Bangkok and the stall owners didnt pester us if we so much as walked down their aisle! I managed to purchase a pair of thai trousers and a pashmina - lovely! I have found the fake bag shop - no chanels for roon though! I am debating the mulberry purse it is around 16pounds! After feeling rough all day i didnt want thai food so we went to MacDonalds! We know - sacriledge! The portions in their were ginormous and cheap! they also do a mcdelivery!! Anyway...
We are completely knackered after a really busy day. We went on a day trip from chiang mai! we got up really early and had a truk thing pick us up, it was like a safari truck! We then travelled to an orchid farm which was really pretty, it also had a butterfly place in it but they were all brown - not so pretty. But in the shop they had lovely earrings and necklaces made out of the orchids dried and covered in gold etc! On from there we went to an elephant camp!! it was in the most beautiful setting in the mountains!! We went up to one of the elephants and got to feed it with bananas, G was scared so he didnt go near it but I fed it a whole bunch! It was really greedy though and stored spare nanas in its trunk! We then got to ride on the elephants, we had a gorgeous lady elephant called Habu! Again, G was a little scared because you are quite high up and it is quite unsteady but he soon got into it! I then got to ride on the elephants neck and lead it! I was the onle one in the group that got to! it was amazing but she was really spiky! We then started off on a trek to see a hill tribe! They were quite traditional but the younger tribe members wear normal clothes! After that we went on a trek to see a waterfall! it was deep in the jungle and what with me being bambi, not such a good idea! I am still in one piece though! About half way we stopped for a little packed lunch of noodles at a tribe house, before carrying on! The waterfall was wonderful although absolutely freezing so we literally jumped in for a picture then got out again! After the trek we went white water rafting and bamboo rafting! It was brilliant aswell although we kept getting stuck! This took all day and only cost us 16 pounds each! Bargain! So now we are knackered and off to get some food!!
Thats all for now, we are heading back to Bangkok tomorrow night :(
- comments
Rosemary Oh I am SO envious! I would love to ride on an Elephant. G, don't be such a wuss! And I do not want to hear that you are eating in Macdonalds!!!!! Kates, I hope you are feeling better. Drink plenty! Hope you are photographing everything. xxxx
madge Wowzers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ur whole day sounds imense!!!!! glad u had a gr8 time!! probs would hav made it a bit better if the water in the waterfall was warm but oh well!!!! luv madge xxxxxxxxxxxx :-)
Mams and paps have been putting messages on the message board, and now i se this comments thingy, so not sure where to write continue in future to message make sure you check :-) love you both xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Roon Gutted about the chanel babes but never mind!!! Miss you lotsies - didnt think i was going to be able to keep up while in spain but now i have my iphone tis a different story :D LOVE YOU xxxx