Got up early today as we had booked onto a tour to the floating markets. We caught a minibus with quite a few other people outside the hostel and headed an hour and a half outside of bangkok. There seemed to be alot of germans on board and they were all staying at posh hotels!! strange. Anyway we arrived at the market and aught a motorised longtail boat to the market itself. it was amazing, we saw monkeys in peoples gardens etc. very odd to see people living next to the river, lots of shacks. We then got on a paddle boat with a little old lady steering and paddling us through the market.All the thai people were sat in little long boats selling all sorts of stuff, mostly tat but the thought was nice. There was also alot of yummy fresh fruit aswell. We then hopped off the boat and had a look round on foot. It was really hot and humid though so very sticky and uncomfortable.
After a few hours we hopped back on the bus and headed back to bangkok. we now have a few hours to kill before our bus to chiang mai tonight.
Think we are off to find a pharmacy as Kates legs have been bitten to shreds again - what a suprise. Thought the 2000% deet may have worked but no!!
speak soon
- comments
madge hi katie and wez!!! sounds like u hav had a gr8 day! and guess wat......cate got an iphone :-0!!!!! luv madgexxxxxxxxxxx
Fiona Hi Katie, I sympathise about the bites - bugs love me too. If you already have strong DEET try taking tablets with high Vit. B content - its something they talk about for people walking the Milford Track where the sandflies are the size of small aeroplanes!! Also your own saliva is a great first aid remedy immediately after you are bitten. Cheers, Fiona