Our first full day in Bangkok has been a hectic one.
We were both wide awake at 3 in the morning due to the jet lag, and then knackered when we got up at 7!
We had an interesting brekkie, the thais seem to like rice and veg for brekkie, give us tea and toast anyday. We then decided to head to the train station by tuk tuk to book tickets to chiang mai. We didnt manage to because they were all sold out so we are now off tomorrow night by VIP bus! the tuk tuk guy was really rude and got in a huff when we didnt book through his 'sisters' travel agency. To be honest all the thais have seemed quite rude so far, they also have tried to con us into everything including telling us the Grand Palac was closed so we would go in his tuk tuk to somewhere else! grr so annoying.
Anyway, the Grand Palace was amazing, very ornate but huge, bright vivid colours and mosaics. The emerald buddah, the most sacred buddist symbol in thailand was tiny, a little disappointing but oh well. We then headed towards Wat Po, where the reclining buddah is housed. he has beautiful mother of pearl feet. On route, wez's stomach had thought its throat had been cut so we stopped and had our first pad thai!! yum yum yum, noodles and chicken etc. At wat po, we also had a thai massage at the National school of Thai massage. It was very painful but amazing afterwards, it included lots of finger cracking and knees in backs - strange.
After the massage we headed back towards our hostel via water boat along the river which cost 13baht each or 50p for both of us. The heat is really unbearable and we were very smelly towards the end of the day.
Off out now for dinner down the koa san road (backpacker central) Hopefully write soon, although not sure when.
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- comments
mams Hey you all sounds good so far :-) will be sleeping now i guess....the vip bus sounds good.....cant wait til the next instalment...stay safe you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
madge hey katie and wez!!! sounds like your havin a gr8 time! lol!!!! :-) the grand palace sounds amazing!!! enjoy the rest of your day!!! luv from madge
boo Hey boo and wez!! sounds awesome miss you loads!! boo i got an iphone :O! dont forget to look for my chanel babes ;) lots of love roon and tess and the kits xxxxx