Adventures of Gamblegirl
Date: 26 January
Adventures of Gamblegirl - Happy Australia Day all!!!
Happy Australia Day all. It feels so weird being at work on the 26 of Jan and to not listen to the Hottest 100 either. Although bravo for Melbourne band Jet for coming numero uno.
It's kinda weird because I know it's Australia day but it doesn't really feel like it. It's cold, a bit miserable looking and well just not the right atmosphere. So I heard Steve Waugh got Australian of the Year. While a big yay for him, why does it always have to be a bloody cricketer!!! It's becoming a little ummm see a reoccuring theme here - if you know what I mean.
So being an Australian in another country, it's given me a chance to reflect:
* We are a good country no matter what Germaine Greer says. Her article on why we love it but can't wait to leave it is well... bulls***! Sometimes we have to leave it because there are opportunities out there that aren't at home. Sometimes it because we just want another experience. Sometimes it's because the location that we do. But seriously, to think that I'll never go home. That's crap. I'll take my urban jungle of suburba and so called "simpleton" life and I will be happy with that. While we may not have the historic culture of England or the grandness of Europe or the "all-American" way, I like the culture that I call home. It's simple, it's non-over complicated, it's likeable and easy going with a perfectly good balance. While I cringe at the ocker that is Steve Irwin, his philosphy is true "no worries" - is that not a bad thing? Being a relatively young country - culture is something that is accumulated not snap you have it!!
* Being an Australian is something that I am proud of. We're not self consumed (ie the US), we're approachable, we a likable and because we are real. We don't take s***, don't need to be constantly patted on the back and we just go about our business and enjoy the fact that well we beat England at almost everything!!!!
* A bbq (never thought I'd say this) is underrated. Sad but true am missing a half decent one
* We do things and see things. Even if it's up to Queensland or down to Port Phillip Bay, at least we go. I've been speaking to people who won't go any further then the inner skirts of London. I get blank stares when I say that I've been to such and such on the weekend. Blank stares and then followed with a "why?" My response, "Why wouldn't you? You have all this stuff to do!!" Get with it people!! You have a half decent transport system and while everyone's a crazy driver, your roads aren't that bad either. It's sooo easy and yet it seems like I'm suggesting that they drive to the North Pole and back. Take for example when I was at Olympus. There were camera repair agents in strategic towns. One person refused to drive 25 mins to get to the repair agent. It take me about 25 mins to get to bloody Northland!!!
* The lack of Jordan, Jodie and that other one Alicia who's face is literally falling off!! Suddenly the fact that any Home and Away star or Neighbours star will turn up to the opening of a letter pales into the comparison to those three. Literally there is a coloumn in a trashy mag that's dedicated to just the competitiveness between Jodie and Jordan. Let's put this into perspective - they are both famous for having massive boobs (which Jodie likes to hold over Jordan because hers are "real"), getting their kit off and ... well that's about it. I reckon if you'd announced that you were having a small get together, they'd try and get themselves put on the door. Ladies does that word dignity mean anything to you?
So I think of you, enjoying your Australia Day Holiday and I smile. I love London, I love the places that I've seen but at heart, I love my little country, no matter how remote, how self contained and it's urban jungle that is it.
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