"We are definitely not in Kansas anymore". Santiago is completely different to anywhere else I have been in South America so far. It is modern with a clean and it appears efficient subway system, nice clean buses with electric readouts and not someone yelling out where they are going and lots and lots of modern shops. Very different to what I expected. It has been great to be back in a hotel with hot water all day and a bed..........
After arriving we went on our little orientation walk of the city and heard about some of the history of the city. Walked past the government palace which is where Pinochet staged his military coup and where he commenced his years as a military dictator. Thousands of people disappeared under his regime, never to be seen or heard of again, however apparently he did quite a lot of good for the country. Chile has definitely been more prosperous, and therefore more expensive than what we have been used to.
We went out for a group dinner on Thursday night to say farewell to those who are leaving the tour. Had Chinese which was a nice change and surprisingly good. Yesterday, I had to go to the Paraguay embassy to get a visa. It was rather painless and easy to do. Returned to enjoy a rather long hot shower before heading out with Michaela to pick up our passports and visit the Pre Colombian Art Museum which had a fantastic display of pottery from all these different cultures from Central America to South America.
A group of us had a lovely dinner at an Italian restaurant last night. Afterwards we were on the lookout for a salsa club but couldn't find one. However, that is when we really realised we were definitely not in Kansas. Seeing young girls with really short hair and arms covered in tatoos. Not something we had seen until here, but obviously very common in more Western countries.
So today is another lazy day. Really feeling tired and it is pretty hot here. Trying to catch up on some emails and I think I may even go to the movies this afternoon and see 'Australia'. It could be just what I need to recharge the batteries as we have a long camping stretch coming up. We are heading south, to the tip of the continent, which I am really looking forward to.
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