I have really liked Buenos Aires, it has been my favourite capital city so far. I arrived thinking, 'I don't want to be in a big city' but have really enjoyed my time here. First afternoon, I headed up to the Brazil embassy with some others to sort out my visa but we were a little too late. After putting some much needed laundry in, wandered down to an area called San Telmo where there was a 2nd hand english bookstore. With my luck of the day, it was also closed.
So, Wednesday morning we headed back to the Brazil embassy and were able to put our applications in with no problems. Met Rebecca, an aussie who was joining a different Tucan tour the next day and ended up spending some time with her. We wandered down the main pedestrian shopping mall before checking out the Cathedral which has San Martin's mausoleum. He is the most important Argentinean historical figure as along with a guy called Boliviar, he was instrumental in different countries gaining their independence from Spain. Also checked out the Casa Rosada (government palace). This is where Eva Peron (Evita) did most of her speeches and also where Madonna sang 'Don't Cry for me Argentina' in the movie Evita.
Treated myself in the afternoon and had a manicure and pedicure. My feet are awful with all the camping and wearing of thongs (flip flops). Got a little dressed up for the Tango show we were all off to. It included a lovely 3 course meal and drinks before the tango show started and it was brilliant. I have uploaded a few video clips which gives a small taste of it. There was a live band and I loved watching the guy that played the accordian. He was so obviously into his music. There was also 2 singers and 8 dancers. It was really enjoyable and worth the money.
Yesterday, I got up early and with Rebecca, we went and joined a bike tour of the city. We rode thru some of the city and were told different pieces of history, checked out the port area, nature ecological zone before heading to La Boca. This is a region that the Italian immigrants lived in and it has since become a bit of a tourist zone due to the beautiful coloured buildings. Originally they built houses out of tin and used to take paint from the ships and paint the houses. Sometimes they didn't have enough of one colour, so the multi colouring began. Very touristy but also nice to wander. It started to rain a little which spoilt the end of the tour. We stopped at the La Boca football stadium, they are one of the famous Argentina football clubs, before heading back into the city centre with a couple of quick stops. Really enjoyed this and great to get some history of the area.
Back to the hotel to dry off and to have a mini siesta - when in Rome, do as the Romans do. Went out last night with some of the others to a Tango fusion show. It was in a small theatre and very different to the night before, more contemporary. I liked 2 of the dances, but the other 2 left me a little cold. Definitely preferred the previous night but we all have different tastes and some of the others loved it.
Today, after having a nice chat with mum while I lay in bed (a small luxury) I went with Mark to the Cemetario de la Recoleta, which is where all the rich and famous people are buried including Evita. The tombs are amazing. It is almost like a mini town in there. Incredible. We were lucky enough to be at the 'Duarte' crypt when a tour came by (where Eva Peron is). She died in 1952 of uterus cancer but was very well embalmed. In 1955 when Peron was overthrown from office, her body was stolen and some soldier did an act of necrophilia with her. People higher up in the military were afraid if this was known by the public, there would be a revolution as she was still very much loved by the working class people. They sent her body to Milan for 15 years before she was finally returned. However, she returned with a few bones broken. Interesting.
We then visited the Floralis Generica which is a metal statue of a flower, which at night actually closes up. Headed to the embassy to pick up my passport. Not liking Brazil at the moment. They only gave me a 30 day visa which means I need to go to the federal police in Brazil and get an extension which will mean more money. Even though I paid for a 90 day visa, you can only get that if you apply in Australia, urgh......
We headed down to San Telmo, had some fantastic icecream before visiting the bookstore. Need to stock up on books for when we are on the ferry on the Amazon river in a couple of weeks - 4 days on a ferry in a hammock. Then wandered back down to La Boca again. I didn't have enough time there yesterday and Mark hadn't been there. Found a beautiful pair of earrings to buy at the market before getting a bus back.
Just been out to dinner at an all you can eat buffet. Lots of beef, sausage and chicken and 2 of the best fresh made crepes, one with banana, the other with apple. Ready to explode now but so worth it!!!!!
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