Hell again,
Ariived in Ko Samui early afternoon. You will be pleased to know it was only a 30mins crossing and Gordy wasn't sick woo hoo!! Got a taxi to Chaweng, this is a famous spot for nightlife, and nightlife!! When we arrived we had to search for digs for the two of us and Said (who was meeting us that night). Found the cheapest place we could find, total s*** hole, the smell was an overpowering damp smell, the beds were wet before we even had a chance to wet them. That same day we looked and looked and searched for hours and hours and hours...Until we met a Thai guy reccomended a place called "The c*** and Pull" needless to say, and how desperate we were, we turned down this offer from this stranger. Eventually we found a place, "The Green House Hotel" where we stayed for the remainder of our stay in Ko Samui. On our travels we met a couple of girls from Oban of all places. They were agreat laugh and joined us on our wee safari we took. We hired a jeep (Fraser's beloved jeep) and toured the whole island, taking in Elephants, Monkey, views waterfalls, dry waterfalls, jungle and Big Buddha. This was a great day enjoyed buy all, except for one incident where Fraser nearly lost the jeep in a ditch (Which he is still denying it was his fault!!). OUr last night was mrntal, took in all the go go bars and clubs playing connect 4 with the thai girls, so it was a good laugh. We all ended up Steaming! To sum up Ko Samui, it was another really nice island, a more touristy place than the others. But a nice place none the less, will definately go again.We booked a cheap flight to Patong, Phucket so cant wait speak to you all soon, Ciao for now xx P.s if you're wondering why the pics don't make any sence with the comments, Fraser had a physical fight with a computer and lost, we will sort them soon xx
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