Well on to new years eve, and another incredible night!
We really did not know how to spend it, with alot of offers on things to do. Most spent it in the botanical gardens all day, to secure a great spot to see the fireworks, but I knew I would not last all day in the sun and drinking. So myself, Paul and my sister got tickets for a great looking bar on the rocks, in sight of the harbour bridge, with hopes of getting a good enough spot much later on at night. So the drinking begun and before we knew it, it was 11.30 pm. We all rusheed out to get a sight of the harbour bridge, and in the process we all ended up slit, in different groups of people. Never mind :)
The fireworks were out of this world. Thats all I need to say about them. Although one girl did cry as she thought they were so amazing, and I thought that was going a little to far. ha ha. What was great, was that this bar was a base for the night, so after going back in after the fireworks, we got to dance the night away.
New years day was a little painful but we got through it by meeting up with some friends for drinks in the afternoon. I was strictly on the orange juice by then. Paul was straight back on it! New years day drinking in the heat of sydney was surreal.
Since then, Carry paul and I walked accross the harbour bridge today and popped into luna park, a mini theme park below the harbour bridge
Two of our favourite girls, jem and katie were moving into a hostel on the same day as us, and by chance are in our room which is perfect. great way to end out time in sydney!
Tmrw it is a trip to manly, leaving one more free day before we are off to New Zealand, for the next part of our adventure! Bring it on!!
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