Greetings blogger fans. We have arrived in Bangkok, gee willikers it's hot. Afetr a horrdenous flight, we arrived here at 11pm last night and crashed out with full air con. This mornign we woke up late and went exploring but I was so dehydrated and hungry that I (Anna) was sick!! Twice! First behind some bins whilst Fran was negotiating for a dress and another time in the middle of the road behind a car. Classy. Then we came back, checked out and drank loads of hydrating tablets. And water... I didn't raelise how much we'd need to drink. We also had lunch.
Its so hot here its almost hard to breathe, it feels tight and the air smells. But it's all part of it. The rancid stench. Our hostel was nice though, and cheap. We've decided not to overdo it today after the vom-incident so we're going to explore properly when we come back here at the end, we're waiting for a bus down to Krabi now to take us across to Phi Phi (in the picture) where the Beach was filmed. Bon. We're staying there for a couple of nights. Chillin' aat.
The coach leaves here 6pm and we'lll arrive in Krabi at 8am, all for 10pounds! (500tbh) You wouldnt get bargins like that in Woking. We're going to do a bit of snorkleing and stuff in Phi Phi, and take a boat one day across to the famous bit (where the Beach was filmed), tres picturesque.
We're both still tired and are thinking of finding sleepy tablets (legal ones) for the coach ride, we didn't sleep much on the flight.
We are both very much enjoying Thailand so far though, it's so difference from England. Obviuosly. But like when we were in Europe, we were discussing earlier, it was different but also still European, but here, it's so different. Yuo couldn't even think for a second that it's anywhere but way far away. I've already bought stuff I don't need. Franny bought a long dress for the temples (we were going ot do them pre-vom) and I bought this awsome thing that was temple-perfection but actually turned out to be oversized trousers. But may keep for the fabric. General musings.
So for now, over and out. We're alive, sweaty (dear god we're sweaty) but alive.
(Another general musing; although Bangkok is nice, I am thinking/hoping the islands are going to be better... I'm not sure how much longer we/especially I can cope with this heavy heat and on the islands we can swim and snuggle with the sharks - a general travelling feeling is that your invincible and shark snuggling comes into that)
(Incase you're panicing, we'er not actually going to go near sharks, unless you can do those underwater cage things . I'd do that if it's available)
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