Writing this from a sweaty cafe internet place near the beach. Since the last blog we've done an 14 hour coach ride (where we got no sleep, still haven't mastered sleeping in a chair) to Krabi and then a boat across to Phi Phi - I (Anna) thought it would be a quick boat ride but it was more like an hour and a bit and although it was cool and windy, being a foolish Westerner I got burnt to b*****y on my shoulders and knees. So much so I can't get my tan on yet because I'm shauling up all the time. How annoying. I look like one of those STUPID people who thinks they're invinvible (see reference to invicibility in prev blog) and doesn't need suncream! And I do know that skin care is key bla bla but I really didn't think I would burn! It was really overcast.
ANyway on arrival we found our accomodation, which is amazing. If I was a lame blogger, I may be tempted to use the word "breathtaking". Thank god I'm not huh. But really. It is. It's on top of a hill in a foresty place with views of the bay, in little wooden shacks with big beds and mosquito nets. If you've ever seen "The Thomas Crown Afair", it's like the place in that. If not, homework.
Yesterday we booked onto a half day snorkling thing which left at 2 from a cafe, we were picked up by this rustic old man and his push bike and he told us we were the only ones going. But we weren't. It was 6 pounds and they took us all round the islands, snorkling in the most amazing place, with coral and multicolour fish of many sizes! But me and Franny got stung because we snorkled through a mass of jelly fish. But we're fine. Then we went to the beach where the film "The Beach" was filmed. That was good but I kind of felt like it was too hyped up and I was so psyched post-snorkle/sting that the swarm of fatty fatty Americans ruined it slightly. But we did appreciating all the same. On the way back to main land we watched the sun go down which was nice.
Oh and the other day we were at a restaurant on the beach (not THE beach, our beach) and Michael Buble was playing and they put candles on our table and we both felt very aquard as we watched the sun go down again. Quite amusing though.
Stupid bike men here just run you over ALL the time and don't ring their bells and justweave around you but then you try and move out the way and then they crash into you! It's really irritating even if it is their "culture". But I really don't think that's cultural, it's just inconsiderate.
Last night we went to a bar to watch a fire show on the beach and had cocktails but it wasn't a fire show in the end, it was amateures waving around glowing things on string. Really average but it was fun mocking them. Plus is was free.
Also I'm really appreciating the Western lavatory system since being here. They dont' provide toilet roll and we keep forgetting to bring our own. And they don't even flush said toilet roll, they put it in a bin next to the loo and you can imagine the STENCH in all the loos. Pleasant.
Apart from that we're both having an amazing time and really loving it, oh and earlier we sat in a vat of little fishies and they ate our dead foot skin! Sounds rank but was so nice! Felt really funny at first and tickly but then after we'd calmed down a bit it was really relaxing. This man was telling us that Katie Price had been there too! Not that that's anything to brag about, I sat in the same seat as Katie Price. But still. Soemthing for y'all to think about.
Tomorrow we're going to catch an early ferry back to Krabi and go out again to another island to some mangroves because we can canoe through them ! Mosquito heavon. After that we're going across to Koh Samui and then up to Koh Pha Ngan for a beach party to end all beach parties.
Salutations from Franna xxxxxxxx
- comments
anon i rated this blog five stars but you don't know who because im listed as anon blogger. its definitely not B though sounds fab, i am sohh jealoous, keep it updated!
anonemmaous i think your blog is no stars.
emma not really!!!!!! i think it is a million stars. i wanted the fishy thing too but didnt get it if id know THE katie P had done it id have thought differently! sounds thuper fun. im also burnt btw. stupid westerners. xx
Cath Thanks Anna - top quality blogging! Made me smile alot at the end of a long day. Have ALOT of fun and sorry I still haven't sent your birthday cheque yet. love CATH X