Ok, so now im starting right from the beginning because this is the first place that I have had a chance to use broadband.
So I arrived in Nairobi at 9pm and was met at the airport and taken to quite a dodgy looking hotel (which was paid for by 'On the Go' (my tour company). There was a huge metal cupboard in my room which consantly sparked all night, I thought I might be killed! Oh and my bed was lifted from the floor by books and yellow pages- well worth the $45 a night.
Being the brave person I am, I decided to have a look outside the hotel (just to get a feel for the place) BAD IDEA! There were men with guns walking around, I assume they were police but they looked abit too scruffy to suit that role- I thought it best to not think about it. There were huge gangs of people, drug dealers and prostitutes right in front of my face. The security guard then informed me that it probably wasnt safe to stand outside- so I moved quickly inside!
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