Hi everyone.
Arrived last night in Port Elizabeth. First impressions: VERY RUN DOWN!! People are quite unhelpful and everything is closed- its saturday (very strange)
Our hostel is very nice, well actually, its a family home. They make us breakfast in bed in the morning,. either a continental or English! It cost 85R which is only about 6 pounds a night (which is actually expensive as hostels go!!
Not much to report on today: as I think il probably just wander around the port and have a look at the beach. There really isnt much sight seeing on this strech of coastline its more sun, sea and sand!
Leaving tomorrow at 7am to go to Hogsback (very rural) Apparently there are beautiful waterfalls and views there! There are women their with mud or clay on their faces- not quite sure why, but im sure il find out. Looking forward to seeing some real africa, because recently its just been sand and surfers.
The last place we went to was Jefferys Bay. It holds world surfer championships there, so the rest of the year its just full of backpackers. There are no restaurants or bars. There are however Roxy and Billabong factory shops where you acn buy jueans for 5 quid. Very cheap!! Apart from that tho, it was quite dull so glad to be out of there!!
Hogsback should be fun tho, chilled and relaxing- I need some time off from the backpacker lifestyle. After Hogsback, im on my way to Cintsa!
Anyway- il keep you updated!!
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